and any person, firm or corporation, knowingly or wilfully
acting contrary to an order of abatement or prohibition, shall
be liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars per day
during such contrary action; and the person, corporation or
corporations, not obeying or wilfully acting contrary to such
order of the judge, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; such of-
fence in the city of Baltimore shall be prosecuted by the arrest
of the offender for such offence, and by holding him to appear in
or committing him for trial in the criminal court of Baltimore,
at the Saturday sessions of said court, which court shall have
jurisdiction in the said cases, to try and dispose of the same in
the same manner as other criminal cases triable at the Saturday
sessions of the said court, may be tried or proceeded with or dis-
posed of; or such offence may be prosecuted by indictment in
such court; such offences in any county of this State shall be
prosecuted by the arrest of the offender for such offence, and by
holding him to bail to appear in or committing him for trial in
the circuit court for the county in which such offence was com-
mitted, or by indictment in the circuit court for the county in
which such offence was committed. If any person shall be ad-
judged guilty of any such offence by the court having jurisdiction
in the premises, he shall be sentenced to pay the fine or penalty
herein prescribed for such offence, and the costs of his or their
prosecution; and in default of payment thereof, he shall be com-
mitted to jail until thence discharged by due course of law.
Practitioners of Medicine.
1888, ch 420.
39. Every person practising medicine in any of its depart-
ments in this State shall possess the qualifications required by this
sub-title of this article. If a graduate of medicine, he or she,
shall present his or her diploma to the State board of health for
verification as to its genuineness; or furnish such ether evidence
as may be satisfactory to the said board of health that he or she
is a bona fide graduate of a reputable medical college, authorized
by law to issue diplomas. If the diploma has been issued by a
legally authorized medical college of good reputation and stand-
ing, and if the person named therein be the person claiming or
presenting the same, the State board of health shall issue its