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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1450   View pdf image
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P. G. L., (1860,) art. 97, sec. 18. 1828, ch. 88, sec. 2.

18. If any person shall violate the provisions of the preceding
section, he shall be subject to a fine of twenty dollars, one-half
to the informer and the other half to the State.

Ibid. sec. 19. 1828, ch. 88, sec 2.

19. The said fine may be sued for and recovered in the name
of the State, before any justice of the peace for said city, in the
same manner as small debts.

Ibid. sec. 20. 1828, ch. 88, sec 3.

20. It shall be the duty of every justice of the peace for said
city to make an annual return to the treasurer, of all fines im-
posed under the provisions of the aforegoing section, and to
receive and pay over the same at the time of making said return.

Ibid. sec. 21. 1835, ch 168.

21. Any person owning real estate in fee simple, or having
therein an estate for years, renewable forever, on any of the
navigable waters of this State, may construct wharves thereon
and extend the same such a distance into the stream as may be
required to admit the safe approach thereto of any vessel navigat-
ing said waters; provided, said wharves be not extended so as to
interfere with the fishing or navigation of said waters.

Ibid, sec. 22. 1840, ch. 124.

22. Any person authorized to build a wharf on the west side
of the Susquehanna river, shall build the same in front of the
shore to which such wharf may be attached, and shall not, without
the consent of the owner of the lands adjoining that to which
such wharf may be attached, build any part of such wharf out-
side of a line drawn from the land of the owner of such wharf
to the channel of said river at right angles to said channel.

1884, ch. 486

23. Any person or corporation who shall be the owner or les-
see under an agreement to keep in repair any wharf, pier or land-
ing projecting into or bordering upon any navigable waters within,


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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1450   View pdf image
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