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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1449   View pdf image
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P. G. L , (1860,) art. 97, sec. 12. 1835, ch. 349, sec. 5.

12. He shall, in addition to the compensation allowed him by
the sixth section of this article, be allowed an annual salary of
two hundred and fifty dollars.

Ibid, sec 13. 1817, ch 71, sec. 7. 1828, ch. 88, sec. 6.

13. The wharf forming the south side of Pratt street shall be
deemed a public wharf, subject to the regulations of the corpora-
tion of Baltimore relative to public wharves, and shall be under
the charge of the State wharfinger, and subject to the same
regulations as other State wharves in said city.

Ibid. sec. 14. 1828, ch. 88, sec. 7.

14. The State wharfinger may rent any part of the wharf
fronting the south end of the State tobacco warehouse, lying
between Dugan's and O'Donnell's wharves; provided, the said
renting will not in his opinion interfere with and delay the land-
ing of tobacco at said warehouse, and that no contract for said
renting shall be for a longer time than one year, and shall be
approved by the governor.

Ibid. sec. 15. 1898, ch. 88, sec 8.

15. No vessel shall be charged any wharf age whilst landing
any tobacco at the State tobacco warehouse mentioned in the
preceding section for inspection; provided, that if any thing
other than tobacco is landed, or any cargo is taken on board,
wharfage shall be charged; and no vessel shall lie at said wharf
for a longer time than the tobacco inspectors shall deem reason-

Ibid. sec. 16. 1828, ch. 88, sec. 8.

16. The boats having on board tobacco for the inspection
nouses aforesaid, shall have a preference given to them over all
other boats.

Ibid. sec. 17 1828, ch. 88, secs. 1-4.

17. No person shall land any wood or lumber on Pratt street
wharf, between Light street and Franklin lane, and the mayor of
the city of Baltimore shall enforce the provisions of this section.


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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1449   View pdf image
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