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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1451   View pdf image
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the State of Maryland, where passengers are landed or taken off,
who shall knowingly permit any such wharf, pier or landing to
be or to remain in an unsafe condition, and any steamboat or
transportation company which shall land passengers at any such
wharf, pier or landing, knowing the same to be unsafe, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor, and liable to a fine of not less than
fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, to be collected
as other fines and forfeitures are collected, one-half to go to the



Wild Fowl.

1. Shooting at in flock from vessels or
boats, forbidden
2. From booby blinds more than one
hundred yards from shore, for-
3. Shooting at flying about their feed-
ing grounds, from vessel or
canoe, or sink or sneak boats
4 Offenders, penalty
5. Aiders and abetters, penalty
6. Sheriff, constable or commissioned
militia officer may arrest, when
7 Trial before justice,
8. Judgment of justice.
9. Forfeiture of boats and other prop-
erty seized
10. Appeal.

11 Resistance to arrest to be a misde-
12. Distribution of proceeds of sale of
forfeited property, Baltimore,
Harford and Cecil counties ex-

Birds and Game.
13 Partridges, woodcock, pheasants,
and rabbits, when not to be
shot or captured.

14 Sale of partridges, woodcock or
pheasants within the prohibited
15. Penalties for violations of sections
13 and 14

Baltimore Oriole Icterus.

16. Shooting or trapping to be unlaw-
17 Penalties

Wild Fowl.

P. G. L., (1860,) art. 98, sec. 1. 1842, ch. 61. 1860, ch. 109, sec. 1.

1. No person shall at any time, in, on, or over the waters of
the State of Maryland, shoot at or shoot any water-fowl bedded


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The Maryland Code, Public General Laws, 1888
Volume 389, Page 1451   View pdf image
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