1872, ch. 377.
105. When the levy of any year shall have been collected, the
comptroller shall apportion among the several counties and the
city of Baltimore the amount allowed on the levy for insolvencies
and abatements, and shall transmit a statement of the same to
the State board of education.
1882, ch. 429.
106. The treasurer, upon the warrant of the comptroller, shall
annually pay, on the first day of April, to the sehool commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel county, the sum of four hundred
dollars, as an academy fund, in addition to the appropriation now
received by them for such purpose; the said sum, when received
by said commissioners, to be paid to the trustees of "Anne
Arundel county academy."
1872, ch. 377.
107. Schools on or near the dividing line of two counties
shall be free to the children of each county; and the board of
county school commissioners of the respective counties shall
have power to provide jointly for the maintenance of said schools.
1872, ch. 377.
108. Real and personal estate granted, conveyed, devised or
bequeathed for the use of any particular county or school district)
shall be held in trust by the board of county school commis-
sioners for the benefit of such county or school district, and such
grants and bequests shall be exempt from all State and county
109. Moneys invested in trust for the benefit of the public
schools for any county or city shall be exempt from State, county
or local tax.