1872, ch. 877.
102. As soon as the comptroller shall have received from the;
city of Baltimore and the several counties, returns of the amount
of the State school tax, levied in each county and the city of
Baltimore, he shall immediately thereafter apportion the amount
of the whole levy to the several counties and the city of Balti-
more, in proportion to their respective population between the
ages of five and twenty years.
103. On the first day of January, the fifteenth day of March,
the fifteenth day of June and the first day of October, in each,
year, the comptroller shall apportion the amount of school tax
received by the treasurer among the several counties and the city
of Baltimore, in proportion to the whole amount apportioned to
each by the comptroller, and he shall notify the State board of
education and the treasurer of the several boards of the county
school commissioners of the counties and city of Baltimore, of the
amount of tax due to each county and the city of Baltimore, on
the several days aforesaid, and the treasurer shall pay the several
amounts within ten days after said notification, upon the draft of
the president and secretary of the several boards of "county school
commissioners aforesaid; provided, also, that if in any county the
schools shall be kept open less than seven and a half months of
the year, ending December thirty-first, the comptroller shall
withhold from such county the March instalment of the State
school tax.
1878, ch. 91.
104. In making the apportionments required by the preceding
section, it shall be the duty of the comptroller to equalize, as far
as may be possible, the sums to be apportioned, so as to appor-
tion and distribute the same amount, as far as may be practicable,
on each of said days; and until otherwise expressly directed by
law, the comptroller shall charge to said fund, and pay there-
from, the annual appropriations that have been or may hereafter
continue or be made for the education of colored children; and
also the appropriations for the support of the State normal
school, for the colored normal school, and the expenses of the
State board of education.