1. Clerk of the court of appeals to
advertise for bids for the public
printing, awarding of contract
2. Clerk to make contract with suc-
cessful bidder.
3. Successful bidder who fails to con-
tract, to be sued on his bond by
attorney general.
4 Clerk to report to the general
5 Character of paper upon which pub-
lic documents shall be printed.
6. Printing to be delivered to president
of senate, speaker of house and
State librarian
7 Compensation of clerk for his ser-
1882, ch 261. 1886, ch 492, sec. 2. 1888, ch. 321.
1. On or before the first day of September prior to the meeting
of each and every session of the general assembly of this State, it
shall be the duty of the clerk of the court of appeals to advertise
for ten successive days in three daily newspapers published in
the city of Baltimore, having as near as he can ascertain the
largest circulation, and in two weekly newspapers published in
the city of Annapolis, that he will receive bids for the entire
printing for the general assembly at their next ensuing session,
which respective bids shall each include four thousand copies of
the governor's message in English; five hundred copies of the
governor's message in German; three thousand copies of the
reports of the comptroller of the treasury; one thousand copies
of the reports of the State treasurer; one thousand copies of the
reports of the adjutant general; two thousand copies of the
school reports; one thousand copies of the reports of the insur-
ance commissioner; one thousand copies of the reports of the
commissioner of the land office; two thousand copies of the
reports of the State board of health; two thousand copies of the
reports of the chief of the bureau of statistics and information,
one thousand of which shall be distributed by the printer to the
labor organizations of the State; one thousand copies of the
reports of the State fish commissioners; and all the aforesaid
shall be printed and bound in paper; and the printer shall send