or certificate shall, in any event, or on the happening of any con-
tingency in the nature of a lottery, entitle the purchaser or holder
to receive money, property, or evidence of debt, he shall be subject
to a penalty of one thousand dollars for each offence, to be recov-
ered either by indictment or by action of debt in the name of the
State, one-half of which shall go to the informer and the other half
shall be for the use of the common schools in the counties and the
city of Baltimore respectively.
164. The owner of any house or office who shall permit the same
to be used as a place for selling lottery tickets, or any of the things
in the nature thereof mentioned in the preceding section, shall be
subject to a penalty of one thousand dollars, to be recovered and
disposed of as mentioned in the preceding section; and any person
who shall know that his house or office is used for such shall be con-
sidered as permitting the same.
Id s 112
18GO, c 388, B 4
Owner of house
165. If any person shall bring into this State any lottery ticket,
policy, certificate, or anything by which the vendor or other person
promises or guarantees that any particular number, character, ticket,
or certificate shall, in any event, or on the happening of any con-
tingency in the nature of a lottery, entitle the purchaser or holder
to receive money, property, or evidence of debt, for the purpose of
sale or disposing of the same in any other manner, he shall be sub-
Id s 113
1860, c 388, s. 5
Person bringing
into State
lottery tickets,
ject to a penalty of one thousand dollars, to be recovered by action
of debt or indictment in the name of the State, one-half to the in-
former and the other half shall be for the use of the common schools
in the counties and the city of Baltimore respectively.
166. If any person shall, by printing, writing, or in any other
way. publish an account of any lotteiy, stating when or where the
same is to be drawn, or the prizes therein, or any of them, or the
price of a ticket or share therein, or where any ticket may be ob-
tained therein, or in any way aiding or assisting in the same, he
Id s 114
1860, c 388, s 6
account of lot-
tery, etc
shall on conviction be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars, or to
imprisonment for the term of sixty days, at the discretion of the
Fine and im-
167. If any person shall insure, or receive any consideration for
insuring, for or against the drawing of any ticket, or part of a ticket,
policy, or certificate, in any lottety whatsoever, or shall receive any
money, property, or evidence of debt, in consideration of any agree-
ment to repay any sum, or to deliver the same or any other property
or evidence of debt, if any ticket or part of a ticket, policy, or cer-
tificate in any lottery whatsoever, shall prove fortunate or unfor-
tunate, or shall be drawn or not drawn, on any particular day or
any particular order or otherwise howsoever, or shall promise or
agree to pay or deliver any sum of money, property, or evidence of
debt, or forbear to do anything for the benefit of any person, with
or without consideration, on the happening of any contingency in
the nature of a lottery, or shall publish any notice or proposal for
the purposes aforesaid, he shall, on conviction thereof, be subject to
Id s 115
1860, c 388, s 7.
Insuring lottery
ticket, etc.