a fine of any sum in the discretion of the court, not less than one
hundred dollars nor exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned
not less than three or more than six months, or may be both fined
and imprisoned as aforesaid.
Id s 116
1860, c 388, s 8
Sale or transfer
of property
made in pursu-
ance of lottery
168. Every grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, or transfer of any
real estate, or of any goods, chattels, things in action, or any per-
sonal property which shall hereafter be made in pursuance of any
lottery, or for the purpose of aiding or assisting in such lottery, are
hereby declared void and of no effect.
Id s 117.
1860, c 388, s 9
Second offence.
169. If any person shall be a second time convicted of any of
the offences mentioned in any of the sections of this article relating
to lotteries, he shall, on conviction, be confined in the penitentiary
not less than two nor more than five years, and any recovery of a
penalty for violating any of the provisions of this article relating to
lotteries, whether by indictment or action of debt, or before a justice
of the peace, shall be regarded as a first conviction under this sec-
Id s 118.
1860, c 388, s 10
Application of
above sections
170. The preceding sections relating to lotteries shall apply to
all lotteries, whether authorized by any other State, district, or ter-
ritory, or by any foreign country, and the prohibition Of sale of
any lottery ticket or other device in the nature thereof, shall apply
to lotteries drawn out of this State, as well as those drawn within it.
Id s 119
1860, c 388, s. 11.
171. The courts shall construe the foregoing provisions relating
to lotteries liberally, and shall adjudge all tickets, parts of tickets,
certificates, or any other device whatsoever by which money or any
other thing is to be paid or delivered on the happening of any event
or contingency in the nature of a lottery, to be lottery tickets.
1876, c 126, s 1
Hours of labor
for minors
under sixteen
172. No child under the age of sixteen years, shall be employed
in laboring by any person, film, or corporation, in any cotton, woollen,
or other manufacturing establishment in this State, more than ten
hours in any one day.
Id s 2
Penalty for
compelling such
minors to labor
more than ten
173, Any such person, firm, or corporation, which shall employ
any child under sixteen years of age, contrary to the provisions of
the preceding section, and any superintendent, overseer, or other
agent of any such person, firm, or corporation, and any parent or
guardian of such minor, who permits such minor to work or be so
employed contrary to the provisions of the preceding section, shall,
for each offence, be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars
for each and eveiy case, to be recovered on complaint in any court
of competent jurisdiction, and all prosecutions for offences under
this act, shall be begun within one year from the commission thereof.
Id. s 3
To what em-
ployments not
to apply
174, No part of the two preceding sections shall apply to
children engaged in agriculture, household or mercantile pursuits.