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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 818   View pdf image (33K)
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imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years, and
fined not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Id s 64
1842, c 190, s 6.

156. The Courts shall construe the preceding sections relating
to gambling and betting liberally, so as to prevent the mischiefs
intended to be provided against.

Id s 65.
1853, c 265, s 8 ,
1856, c 195, s 9
Testimony may
be compelled,
but witness
not liable to

157. No person shall refuse to testify concerning any gaming
or betting because his testimony would implicate himself, but when
any such person is required to testify in behalf of the State, he
shall not be prosecuted for any offence to which his testimony re-

Id s 66
1830, c 65, s 2 ,
1842, c 190,s 11,
1853, c 265, s 4 ,
1856. c 195,s 7.
Prosecution of

158, All constables and police officers are required to visit all
places where they shall have reason to suspect gaming tables are
kept, and to have all persons prosecuted offending against the laws
prohibiting gambling.


Art 30, s 107.
1828, c 129
1829, c 168,
1846, cs 109-120,
1847, c 234,
1849,c 261,
1854, c 138
Lottery, etc
25 Md 163,
26 Md 46

159. No person shall draw any lottery or sell any lottery ticket
in this State, nor shall any person sell what are called policies, cer-
tificates, or anything by which the vendor or other person promises
or guarantees that any particular number, character, ticket, or cer-
tificate, shall in any event, or on the happening of any contingency,
entitle the purchaser or holder to receive money, property, or evi-
dences of debt.

Id s 108.
1896, cs 28-195
Devices to
Id s 109
1860, c 388, s 1.

100. All devices and contrivances designed to evade the pro-
visions of the preceding section shall be deemed as offences against it.
101. Every person, his aiders and abettors, offending against
any of the provisions of the two preceding sections, shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined
for each offence any sum, in the discretion of the court, not less
than two hundred dollars, nor exceeding one thousand dollars, or


imprisoned not less than three nor more than twelve months, or
may be both fined and imprisoned as aforesaid

Id c 110
1860, c 388, s 2
Additional to
penalties for
violations of
above suctions

102. In addition to the penalties prescribed in the preceding
section, any person who may give money or any other thing for any
lottery ticket, certificate, or any other device by which the vendor
promises that he or any other person will pay or deliver to the pur-
chaser any money, property, or evidence of debt, on the happening
of any contingency in the nature of a lottery; such person so giving
may recover, as small debts are recoverable, from the person to
whom he gave the same, or his aiders or abettors, the sum of fifty
dollars for every lottery ticket, certificate, or other device in the
nature thereof, so purchased or obtained by him, and such person
shall be a competent witness to prove the giving of the money or
other thing.

Id. s. 111
1860, c 338, s 3
Keeping of
house or office
for selling
lottery tickets,

103. If any person shall keep any house, office, or other place,
for the purpose of selling or bartering any lottery ticket, policy, cer-
tificate, or any other thing by which the vendor or other person
promises or guarantees that any particular number, character, ticket,

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 818   View pdf image (33K)
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