shall die thereof within twelve months and a day thereafter, such
offender, his aiders, abetters, and counsellors being thereof con-
victed, shall be sentenced to undergo a confinement in the peniten-
tiary for not less lhan five nor more than eighteen years.
146. If any person shall for the purpose of eluding the provi-
sions of the preceding section leave the State, the person so offend-
ing shall be deemed as guilty, and be subject to the like penalties
as if the offence had been committed within this State.
Id s 44
1816, c 219, s 6
Leving the
Slate for same
147. When any judge or justice of the peace has good cause to
suspect any person or persons are about to be engaged in a duel, he
may issue his warrant to bring the parlies before him, and if he
shall think proper to take of them a recognizance to keep the peace,
he shall insert in the condition that the party or parties shall not
during the time for which they were bound, directly or indirectly,
be concerned in a duel either with the person suspected, or any
Id s 45
1816, c 219, s 5
Justice may
issue warrant to
prevent duel-
other person within the time limited by the recognizancc.
148. No person shall keep any gaming table, or any house,
vessel, or place, on land or water, for the purpose of gambling
149. Every faro table, E. O. table, equality, or any other kind
of gaming table (billiard table excepted), at which any game of
chance shall be played for money or any other thing, shall be deemed
a gaming table
Art 30, s 56
1797, c 110,1826,
c 88, s 1 , 1842,
c 190, s 5 , 1853,
c 285, s 1, 1856,
c 195, s 1
Gaming tables
42 Md 563
2 H & J. 5
Id s 57
1826, c 88, s 1 ,
1842, c 190, s 4
Faro, E. O . etc.
12 G &. J 260
150. No person shall lease or rent any house, vessel or other
place to be used for gambling.
1856, c 195, s 1 Lease of house, etc , for gambling.
Id s 58
1842, c 190, s 5 ,
185d, c 265, s 1 ,
151. Any person keeping a gaming table, or other place for
gambling, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con-
viction thereof, fined or imprisoned at the discretion of the court,
not exceeding five hundred dollars or six months.
Id s 59
1829, c 136,
1842, c 190, s 1 ,
1859, c. 265,s 1,
1850, c 195, s. 1.
42 Md 503.
152. If the owner, tenant, or occupant of any house, vessel, or
other place, shall knowingly permit any gaming table to be kept
therein, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof, shall suffer the penalties prescribed in the preceding sec-
Id s 60
1842, c 190,s 5,
1854, c 265, s 1,
1856, c 195, s 1.
Tenant or
occupant per-
153. Any person who may lose money at a gaming table, may
recover back the same as if it were a common debt, and may be a
competent witness to prove the sum he lost, but no person shall re-
cover any money or other thing which he may have won by betting
at any game or by betting in any manner whatsoever.
Id s 61
1813, c 84
Money lost may
be recovered,
but not money
9 Md 526
3 H. & McH 348.
154. All games, devices, and contrivances at which money or
any other thing shall be bet or wagered, shall be deemed a gaming
table within the meaning of the preceding sections.
Id s 62
1842, c 190, s 4 ,
1853, c 265,s 2
What a gaming
155. Any person who shall win any money or other thing by
the thimbles, or what is called the little joker, or by any other de-
vice, or fraudulent trick whatsoever, on conviction thereof, shall be
Id s 63
1853, c 265, s. 2
Devices or