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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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19 To keep seal for authenticating copies,
not to give copies of records, etc, with-
out governor's approbation
20 To record civil commissions

21. To preserve reports of clerks of qualifica-
tion of officers
22 To report to comptroller list of qualified

23 His duties, salary.


24 Governor authorized to appoint a messen-
ger, his compensation and duties
25. Keeper of public buildings, etc, his

26 Watchmen their duties, etc
27 Keeper of the steam-house, etc, assistant.
28. Salaries



1. The great seal of the State of Maryland shall be in the
custody of the secretary of state, but under the control of the
governor, who is authorized and required to use the same when
proper in all intercourse between this State and the United States,
the States and Territories thereof, and foreign states, and in all

Art 42, s. 1
1853, c 131, s 1
Who keeper of
the great seal,
who to use same
and when.

cases provided for by the Constitution and laws.
2. The governor shall not affix the great seal, nor permit it to
be affixed, to any document without accompanying the same with
his signature.

Id s 2.
1853, c 131, s 2
Seal not to be
affixed without
signature of

3. The governor, on the presentation to him of a patent by the
commissioner of the Land Office, certified by said commissioner
as proper to be issued, shall be authorized to sign such patent and

Id s 3
1858, c 21
Governor to
sign and seal

cause the great seal to be affixed thereto
4. The governor is authorized on application to affix the great
seal to copies of laws and resolutions, certified by the clerk of the
Court of Appeals under his seal to be true copies.

Id s 4
1S53, c 54
To affix great
seal to copies of
laws and resolu-

5. The governor is authorized and required, whenever sentence
of death is pronounced on any criminal by the judgment of a court
of this State, to issue a warrant to the sheriff of the county or city
who ought by law to execute such judgment, ordering and direct-
ing the sheriff to execute said judgment at such time as in his
warrant he shall appoint.

Id s 6
1795, c 82, s 1
Shall issue
death warrant,

6. The governor, upon giving the notice required by the Consti-
tution, may commute or change any sentence of death into confine-
ment in the penitentiary or banishment, for such period as he shall
think expedient, and on giving such notice he may pardon any
person convicted of crime on such conditions as he may prescribe,
or he may, upon like notice, remit any part of the time for which
any person may be sentenced to confinement in the penitentiary, on
such like conditions, without such remission operating as a full
pardon to any such person.

1870, c 306
Upon notice re-
quired, may
commute sen-
tence of death,
or may pardon
or remit on


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 61   View pdf image (33K)
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