like manner as if he signed it; unless the General Assembly shall, by adjourn-
ment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law.
Governor to
examine treas-
ury accounts
SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the governor, semi-annually (and oftener, if
he deem it expedient) to examine under oath the treasurer and comptroller of
the State on nil matters pertaining to their respective offices; and inspect and
review their bank and other account books.
SEC 19 He shall, from time to time, inform the legislature of the condition
of the State, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may
judge necessary and expedient.
SEC 20 He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, except incases
of impeachment, and in cases in which he is prohibited by other articles of this
Constitution; and to remit fines and forfeitures for offences against the State;
but shall not remit the principal or interest of any debt due the State, except
in cases of fines and forfeitures; and before granting a nolle prosequi, or par-
Notice in news-
don, he shall give notice, in one or more newspapers, of the application made
for it, and of the day on, or after which, his decision will be given; and in
Reports to
every case in which he exercises this power, he shall report to either branch of
the legislature, whenever required, the petitions, recommendations, and rea-
sons which influenced his decision
Residence and
SEC 21. The governor shall reside at the Beat of government, and receive
for his services an annual salary of four thousand five hundred dollars.
A secretary of
1353, c 448
1858, c. 32.
SEC 22. A secretary of state shall be appointed by the governor, by and
with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall continue in office, unless
sooner removed by the governor, till the end of the official term of the gov-
ernor from whom he received his appointment, and receive an annual salary of
two thousand dollars, and shall reside at the seat of government; and the office
of private secretary shall thenceforth cease.
His duties.
SEC 28 The secretary of state shall carefully keep and preserve a record of
all official acts and proceedings, which may at all times be inspected by a com-
mittee of either branch of the legislature, and he shall perform such other duties
as may be prescribed by law, or as may properly belong to his office, together
with all clerical duty belonging to the executive department.
1 Who keeper of the great seal of the State,
who to use the same and when
2 Seal not to be affixed without governor's sig-
3 Governor to sign and seal patents
4 To affix great seal to copies of laws and
5 Shall issue death warrant, when
6. Upon notice required, may commute sen-
tence of death, or may pardon, or remit
on conditions
7. Person pardoned on condition of leaving
the State, returning.
8 Insane or lunatic convicts
9 Governor may remit forfeited recognizance
10. Remitting fine not belonging to informer.
11 Nolle prosequi.
12 Remitting fine imposed by a court-mar-
13 Complaint against civil or military officer,
14 Copy of complaint, notice
15 Costs, enforcement of payments.
16 Returns of elections for electors of presi-
dent and vice-president, United States,
17 Officers and soldiers, Maryland volunteers
in war with Mexico, official discharge
16 Malignant or contagious disease, quaran-