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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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Art 42, s 8
1787, c 17, s 4
Person par-
doned on condi-
tion of leaving
the State, re-

7. If any person pardoned on condition of leaving the State,
shall return contrary thereto, such person may be arrested by war-
rant from any judge or justice of the peace, and if on examination
it shall appear to such judge or justice that there is reasonable
ground to believe that the person arrested is the same person who
was convicted and pardoned, and that he returned contrary to the
terms of such pardon, he shall be committed to the prison of the
county or city where arrested, and the sheriff shall bring him before
the first Circuit Court for the county, or if in Baltimore city before
the first Criminal Court of Baltimore which shall happen thereafter;
and if on appearing, such person shall acknowledge himself to be
the same person pardoned on condition of leaving the State, and
that he returned contrary thereto, the court shall record such con-
fession and proceed to pass judgment according to law; and if the
person shall deny that he is the same person convicted and pardoned
as aforesaid, or that he returned contrary thereto, the court shall
direct the fact to be tried by a jury, and if they find against the
person, the court shall pass such judgment as the law requires for
the crime committed.

1863, c 352
1878, c 341
Insane or luna-
tic convicts

Art 42, s 9.
1782, c 4'2, B 1.
May remit for-
feited recognis-

Id s 10
1828, c 129, s 17
Remitting line
not belonging
to informer

Id s 11
1832, c 155.
Nolle prosequi.
33 Md 44

Id s 12
1782, c 42, s 5
Remitting hue
imposed by a

Id s 13
1786, c 22, s 2
against civil or
military officer.
43 Md. 672.

Id s. 14
1786, c. 22, s. 2.
Copy of com-

8. "Upon the recommendation of the board of directors of the
Maryland Penitentiary, the governor may remove any insane or
lunatic convict confined in the penitentiary, and provide for the
support, care and safe keeping of such convict in the Maryland
Hospital for the Insane, or any other State institution for the insane,
and the expense thus incurred shall be defrayed by the board of
directors of the Penitentiary, out of the funds arising from or ap-
propriated for that institution.
0. The governor may remit the whole or any part of any re-
cognizance which may be forfeited; Provided, the judge of the
court in which such forfeiture took place shall recommend the
remission of the whole or some part thereof
10. The part of any fine or forfeiture belonging to an informer
shall not be remitted by the governor, but he may remit any fine or
forfeiture or any part thereof not belonging to an informer.
11. No nolle prosequi shall be granted by the governor but on
condition that the costs of prosecution shall be paid by the person
applying for the same.

12. The governor may remit the whole or any part of any fine
imposed by any militia court-martial.

13. Upon complaint made against any civil or military officer
who can be removed or suspended by the governor, the governor
may summon before him any witnesses to testify for or against such
complaint, and may allow such witnesses one dollar a day for their
attendance, and itinerant charges; and may enforce the attendance
of such witnesses in the same manner as the courts may.
14. Upon complaints made under the preceding section, the
party complained against shall have a copy of the complaint and

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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