1872, c 418.
Six districts
75. This State shall be divided into six districts, for the choosing
of six representatives in the Congress of the United States, which
shall be numbered from one to six.
1872, c 418
First district.
7 6. The first congressional district shall be composed of Wor-
cester county, Somerset county, Wicomico county, Dorchester
county, Talbot county, Queen Anne's county, Carroll county, and
Kent county, and shall be entitled to choose one representative.
1872, c 418
Second district
77. The second congressional district shall be composed of Cecil
county, Harford county, Carroll county, and the second, third,
fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
twelfth election districts of Baltimore county, and shall be entitled
to choose one representative.
1872, c 418
Third district
78. The third congressional district shall be composed of the
wards of Baltimore city, from the first to the ninth ward, both in-
clusive, and shall be entitled to choose one representative.
1872, c. 418
Fourth district.
79. The fourth congressional district shall be composed of the
tenth ward, eleventh ward, twelfth ward, thirteenth ward, fourteenth
ward, fifteenth ward, sixteenth ward, eighteenth ward, nineteenth,
and twentieth wards of Baltimore city, and shall be entitled to
choose one representative.
1872, c 418.
Fifth district
80, The fifth congressional district shall be composed of St.
Mary's county, Charles county, Calvert county, Prince George's
county, Anne Arundel county, with the city of Annapolis, How-
ard county, the first and thirteenth election districts of Baltimore
county, and the seventeenth ward of Baltimore city, and shall be
entitled to choose one representative.
1872, c. 418
Judges of first
and thirteenth
election dis-
tricts of Balti-
more county,
and of seven-
teenth ward of
Baltimore city
to make sepa-
rate returns.
81. The return judges of the elections of representatives to Con-
gress of the first and thirteenth election districts of Baltimore
county shall make a return separate from the return to be made
by the return judges of the remaining election districts; and the
return judges of the seventeenth ward of the city of Baltimore shall
make a return separate from the return to be made by the judges of
the wards constituting the fourth congressional district.
1874, c 307
Sixth district.
82. The sixth congressional district shall be composed of Alle-
ghany county, Garrett county, Washington county, Frederick
county, and Montgomery county, and shall be entitled to choose
one representative.
1865. -C. 191.
No liquor to be
sold m counties
on election
42 Md 493.
83. It shall not be lawful for the keeper of any hotel, tavern,
i store, drinking establishment, or any other place where liquors are
sold, or for any person or persons, directly or indirectly, to sell,
barter, or give, or dispose of any spirituous or fermented liquors,
ale or beer, or intoxicating drinks of any kind, on the day of any
election hereafter to be held in the several counties of the state.