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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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84. Any person violating the provisions of the preceding section,
shall be liable to indictment by the grand jury of the county where
the offence is committed, and shall upon conviction before any judge
of any of the Circuit Courts of this State, be fined a sum not less
than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and
every offence; one-half of the fine shall be paid the informer, the
other half to the county commissioners for the use of public roads.

1865, c 191.
Penalty for


85. No person shall make any bet or wager on the result of any
election to take place in this state.

Art 35, s 46
1838, c. 392, s 1
No person to bet
on election

86. Any person offending against the last preceding section,
shall be liable to indictment in the Circuit Courts, if the offence be
committed in any county, or in the Criminal Court of Baltimore, if
the offence be committed in Baltimore; and on conviction, shall be
fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, to be
paid to the State for the use of the school fund.

Id sec 47
1888, c 392, 53 1-3.

Penalty for so

8 7. Every deposit of money in any part of the State, as a wager
or bet upon elections in this State or elsewhere, shall be forfeited
and paid over to the county commissioners of the county where de-
posited, for the use of the county, and if deposited in the city of
Baltimore, to the mayor and city council.

Id s 48
1838, c. 392, s 3.
12 G & J. 484.

Executive Department.



1 Governor's term of office.
2 Time, place, and manner of electing the
8. Plurality to elect.
4 Case of tie, Senate and House to choose.
Houses to determine questions of eligi-
bility, etc Vote viva voce and jointly,
case of tie, choice by lot
5 Qualifications of governor
6 In case of death, etc, General Assembly to
7 In case of vacancy during recess, president
of Senate to act, impeachment.
8 Governor to be commander in chief, but not
to command in person
9 His duties
10. Appointments

11 Appointments during recess.
12 Persons rejected not to be appointed.
13 Time of nomination, term of office.
14 Vacancy during session
15. Courts-martial.
16 Extra sessions of the legislature
17 Veto power, three-fifths of each house may
pass a vetoed bill, yeas and nays, veto
within six days.
18 Governor to examine treasury accounts.
19 Recommendations
20 Pardoning power, notice in newspapers,
reports to legislature.
21 Residence and salary.
22 Secretary of state
23 His duties

SECTION 1 The executive power of the State shall be vested in a governor,
whose term of office shall commence on the second Wednesday of January
next ensuing his election, and continue for four years, and until his successor
shall have qualified; but the governor chosen at the first election under this

term of office.
32 Md 398
22 Md 183


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 57   View pdf image (33K)
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