68. The said election shall, in all respects, be conducted as
other elections, and the returns thereof made as hereinbefore di-
Id s 71
1883, c 261. s 2.
Election, how
69. Upon the meeting of the persons returned elected electors
of president and vice-president, or as many of said persons as may
attend on the day "appointed by the Constitution and laws of the
United States, before proceeding to perform the trust reposed in
Id c 72
1833, c 261, s. 3.
them, the place of any absent member may be supplied by the mem-
bers present, who shall have power to appoint the same; and the
said person, when appointed and qualified, shall be entitled to all
the rights and privileges of those proclaimed by the governor as
duly elected electors of president and vice-president of the United
Vacancies, bow
70. The senators chosen to represent this State in the Senate of
the United States shall be elected by the joint ballot of both branches
Id s 73
1809 c 22, s 1
of the legislature, and the person qualified as the Constitution of
the United States directs, having a majority of votes of all the
attending members in both branches of the legislature, shall be
declared duly elected.
Election of
United States
senators by
Joint ballot of
both branches
of legislature
7 7. In the first election of senator to represent this State in the
Senate of the United States, which shall be held after the first day
of April, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, the person
elected shall be an inhabitant of the Eastern Shore of this State, and
one of the senators to be thereafter elected shall always be an in-
habitant of the Eastern Shore, and the other of the Western Shore
of this State.
1867, c 11
U S senators,
where to be in-
72. The commission of such senator shall be granted and exe-
cuted in the form and manner heretobefore usually practiced.
Art 35, s. 76
1809, c 22, s 3
How commis-
73. Elections of representatives of this State in the Congress of
the "United States shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November every two years, commencing
in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and taking place every
second year thereafter.
1868, c 335.
Election of rep-
74. If a vacancy should occur by death, resignation, or other-
wise, at such a period as to make it necessary that a representative
or representatives in Congress from this State should be chosen
before the regular time for such election, the governor shall, by proc-
Art 35, s 78.
1852, c 52, s 2,
1878, c. 427
lamation, direct that a special election be held to fill said vacancy;
which proclamation shall require at least twenty days' notice of such
election to be given by the sheriffs of the respective counties, or city
of Baltimore, composing the congressional district in which such
vacancy may exist.
Vacancies, how