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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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shall designate therein that the said district at which they presided
as judges, is part of district No. ——, as laid out by law, to choose
a member to represent this State in the Congress of the United

designate where
county has been

37. If at the time appointed for the assembling of the said judges
any of them should be prevented from attending, the judge or judges
who shall attend may adjourn from day to day until the judges re-
quired to meet shall all assemble, immediately after which they shall
proceed to perform the duties required of them.


Id s 37
1805, c 97 s 17
Judge failing to
al tend at time
judges may

38. The said judges shall lodge with the clerk of the Circuit
Court of the county, or the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, within five days, or sooner if practicable, from their meeting
as aforesaid, the books of the polls of all the districts in the county
or precincts in the city, together with a certificate of all the votes
given in the said districts or precincts.

Id s 38
1805, c 97, s. 18,
1860, c 10, s 3
Judges to
deliver books of
the polls to clerk
of Circuit Court,
or Superior
Court of Balti-
more City

30. All returns of elections shall be made in the several counties
to the respective clerks of the Circuit Courts; and in the city of
Baltimore to the clerk of the Superior Court of that city.

and to clerk of Superior Court of Baltimore City

Id a 39
1852, c 183, s 4
Returns of elec-
tion to be made
to clerks of
Circuit Courts,

40. All ballots cast at any election shall be returned by the said
judges on the day of their meeting to the clerks of the said courts,
who shall safety keep the same for the space of twelve months from
the day of such return; at which time the said clerks, in the presence
of one or more justices of the Orphans' Court, shall destroy the same,
and shall record among the land records of his office a certificate of
the fact, signed by said justice or justices.

Id s 40
1844, c 281, s 6
Ballots how
disposed of

41, No ballot 'thus returned shall be given by the clerk to any
person, except as hereinafter directed; but any person interested
therein, shall have the privilege of inspecting said ballots in the
presence of said clerks.

Id s 41
1844, c 284, s 6
Any person may
inspect ballots

42. The several county clerks, and the clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore City, with whom the said certificates are lodged,
shall each, under the penalty of one hundred "dollars, make out s
true copy of the said certificate of all the votes lodged with him by
the judges, under the seal of his office, within five days after the
same shall be so deposited, and shall inclose and seal up the same,
directed to the officers to whom they are respectively certified and
addressed, indorsed on public service, and shall place the same in
the post-office, to be transmitted according to their direction, except
the certificate of the election of governor, which shall be directed to
the secretary of state.

Id s 42
1805, c 97, s 20
Copies of certifi-
cates to be sent
to whom

43. The said clerks shall indorse on the certificate and polls to
be delivered to them as aforesaid, the day when received; and shall
be allowed as a compensation for making out and forwarding the
copies of the said certificates, the same compensation allowed for

Id s 43.
1805. c 97, s 30
Clerks to in-
dorse on certifi-
cate and polls
date of receipt.

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 51   View pdf image (33K)
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