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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
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like services, to be levied and paid by the county or city of Baltimore.


Id. s 44
1805, c 97, s 22
1876, c 223

44. The judges of election appointed from time to time by the
board of supervisors of elections in the city of Baltimore, for elec-

Judges in
Baltimore city.

tions for choosing members of the city council, shall be judges of
election of all elections held in said city; and shall in all respects,
as to time and manner of holding said elections, and ascertaining
and declaring the persons elected, pursue and observe, under the
penalties hereinbefore imposed on the other judges of elections, the
several rules and regulations herein prescribed to the several judges
of elections in the counties, in relation to similar elections.


Id s 45
1813, c 170, s 1
Pay of sheriffs
for election

45. The sheriffs in the several counties shall respectively be
allowed the sum of twelve dollars for each election held in their
county, for the performance of the duties herein required, to be
levied as other county charges; Provided, that when two or more
elections are held on the same day, the sheriff shall not be allowed
more than twelve dollars for such elections.


1878, c 427
Warrants for
special elections
to whom issued

46. Warrants for all special elections shall be issued to the
sheriff of the county or city where the election is to be held, who
shall appoint a day for the holding of the same, and shall give at


least ten days' notice thereof, exclusive of the day of publication
and day of election, by advertisements set up at the most public
places within each district of the county, and by advertisements in
two newspapers of general circulation in such county. In the city
of Baltimore ten days' previous notice shall be given in the manner
herein prescribed of all special elections, whether for federal, state
or municipal officers.

Art 35, s 50.
1823, c 213, s 2,
1860, c 10, s 3
Sheriff to serve
copy of warrant
on judges.

47. The sheriff shall also serve a copy of the said warrant, to-
gether with a notice of the day appointed for holding such election,
on each of the judges in each district or precinct, at least three
days before the day appointed for holding such election, under the
penalty of ten dollars for each neglect.

1878, c 427
When special
election to be

48. Such elections shall be held within fifteen days after the
warrant shall be received by the sheriff.


1865, c 143
What contested
elections de-
cided by House
of Delegates.
17 Md 309

49. All contested elections for comptroller of the treasury, com-
missioner of the Land Office, judges, clerks of the courts of law, and
register of wills, shall be decided by the House of Delegates, and
the testimony shall be taken in such cases in the same manner as is

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 52   View pdf image (33K)
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