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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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Circuit Court for said county (or at the usual place of the sitting of


the Superior Court of Baltimore City), with the books of the polls,


on which are indorsed the several certificates agreeably to law, and


having cast up the whole number of votes given in said districts (or


precincts) according to the certificates made out on the day of


election by the judges, it appears that —— has the greatest number


of legal votes for ——, whereupon we do determine, declare, and


return, that the said —— is duly elected. Given under our hands


this —— day of November, in the year ————; '' and for sheriffs


the certificate shall be in the same form, except that they shall


certify that " —— had —— ballots and ———— had ———— ballots,


and that ———— and ———— had a majority of legal ballots of the


candidates properly qualified. "

1865, c 143.

32, The said certificates for all officers provided for by the Con-

to whom

stitution, except in the case of the governor and state's attorneys,

43 Md 572

shall be directed to the governor; for the governor, they shall be


addressed to the speaker of the House of Delegates, and inclosed to


the secretary of state; for state's attorneys, they shall be addressed


to the judge of the court having criminal jurisdiction in the county


or city.

Art 35, s. 33

33. The said certificates for representatives in Congress shall

1805, c 97, s 15.
Form of

be in the following form: " To his Excellency, the Governor of

certificates for

Maryland, we the subscribers, judges at the close of an election

tives in Con-

held on the —— day of —— in the election districts or wards of


—— county, distinguished by number one, etc., for the purpose of


choosing a representative for the —— district of this State, to serve


in the Congress of the United States, having this day assembled at


the usual place of the sitting of the Circuit Court of said county


(or at the usual place of the sitting of the Superior Court in the


city of Baltimore), with the books of the polls, on which are indorsed


the several certificates, agreeably to law, and having cast up the


whole number of votes given in the said districts or wards, accord-


ing to the respective certificates made out by the judges, do return


that —— had —— votes, and —— had —— votes. Given under


our hands this —— day of ——. "

Id s 34

34. The form of certificate given in the preceding section shall

1805, c 97, s 15
For what other

be used for all officers elected by the votes of more than one county,

officers certifi-
cate in preced-

and for electors of president and vice-president of the United States;

ing section to be

but for governor the certificates shall be addressed to the speaker


of the House of Delegates.

Id s 35.

35. When an officer is elected by the votes of a single district of

1805, c 97, s 15
What judges to

a county, the judges shall certify that the persons voted for for such

certify where
officer elected

office have received the number of votes cast for them respectively

by votes of a
single district

in such district, and that ———— has the greatest number of votes

of a county

in the district, and is duly elected.


36. In all cases where a county or city has been, or shall be di-

Id s 36
1805, c 97, s 16.

vided, for the purpose of forming a district to elect a member to the

What judge to

Congress of the United States, the judges, in making this return,

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 50   View pdf image (33K)
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