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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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—— of ———— ——, at ————, the place appointed by law for hold-


ing the elections within said district, and did then and there appoint


——————— and ——————— clerks of the election, who severally


qualified as directed by law. We further certify that we did then


and there, before a justice of the peace of said county (or before


each other), qualify as judge or judges of the election, as by law


directed, and did then and there, at the hour of 9 o'clock in the


morning, open the polls for an election for ————; that we con-


tinued the polls open until 6 o'clock in the evening of the same day,


when they were closed, the ballot-box opened and the ballots pub-


licly counted, when it appeared that ——— had ———— votes as


————. Given under our hands at the place of said election, this


—— day of ———— ——. Attested by —— ————, clerk " And


the certificate or return of the judges of election in the city of Bal-


timore shall be in like form or to the like effect, with such variation


therein as may be required by the local laws of the city of Baltimore.


29. The presiding judges of elections, or in case of inability to

1865, c 143

attend, either of the other judges shall, within ten days after each

Meeting of
judges after

election, under the penalty of five hundred dollars, meet at the usual

43 Md 372.

place of holding the Circuit Court of each county, or at the usual


place of holding the Superior Court of Baltimore City, in the city of


Baltimore, with the books of the polls and the certificates aforesaid.


30. The said judges so assembled shall cast up the whole vote

1865, e 143

of all the districts or precincts, and shall make out two plain, fair

Certificates of
votes cast, to

and distinct statements and certificates of the number of votes

whom trans-

which shall have been given for each candidate, for each of the


officers voted for at said election, one of which certificates shall be


delivered to the clerk of the court to which they are directed to make


their returns, and the other, except in elections for governor and


state's attorneys, shall be transmitted by mail to the governor, and


in case of elections for governor and state's attorneys, the said


statements and certificates, instead of being transmitted to the gov-


ernor, shall, in case of governor, be transmitted to the secretary of


state, and in the case of state's attorneys, shall be transmitted to


the judge of the court having criminal jurisdiction in the circuit in


which state's attorneys are respectively elected; and from the


returns so made, the governor shall issue commissions to the dif-

Governor to

ferent persons elected, as provided in the eleventh section of the

issue commis-

fourth article of the Constitution of this State.


31. The said certificates for all officers elected by the voters of a

Art 35, s 31

single county or city, except sheriff, shall be in the following form,

1805, c 97, s 15,
1860, c 10, s 3

or to the like effect, to wit: " To ——. Whereas, an election for

Form of certifi-
cates for all offi-

—— was held on the first Wednesday of November in the year

cers, except
sheriff, elected

—— in the district (or precinct) in the said county or city, dis-

by voters of a

tinguished by number one, etc, conformably to the Constitution

single county or

and laws of this State; and whereas, we, the subscribers, attending


judges at the close of the election in said districts (or precincts),


having this day assembled at the usual place of the sitting of the




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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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