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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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1860, e 10, s 3
Overawing or

force and violence, with intent to influence unduly, or to overawe,


intercept, or hinder any election, he shall, on conviction thereof in


any court of criminal jurisdiction in the county where the offence


was committed, suffer such fine, not exceeding two hundred and


fifty dollars, and such imprisonment, not exceeding fifty days, as


the court shall adjudge. This section not to apply to the city of

Not to apply to
Baltimore city.

Baltimore, where a different penalty is prescribed by the local laws


of said city.

Id s 24

24. No commissioned or non-commissioned officer, having the

1803, c 97, s 28,
1860, c 10, s 3

command of any soldier or soldiers quartered or posted in any dis-

Soldiers not to
be quartered or

trict of any county in this State, shall muster or embody any of the

marched near
place of elec-

said troops, or march any recruiting party within the view of any


place of election during the time of holding said election, under the

Not applicable

penalty of one hundred dollars. This section not to apply to the

to Baltimore

city of Baltimore.



Id s 25

25. When the poll shall be closed, the box wherein the ballots

1805, c 97, s 13
Judges to open

are deposited shall immediately thereafter be opened by the judge

and count

or judges of the election, and the said judge or judges shall publicly,


in the presence of such persons as may choose to attend, carefully


take out the said ballots, and read distinctly and aloud the name or

Clerks to keep

names written or printed thereon respectively, and the clerks of said

account of

election shall carefully enter and keep an account of the same on the


books of the polls, so that the number of votes for each candidate


tallied thereon may be readily cast up and known.

Id s 26

26. If, upon opening any of the said ballots, there be found any

1803, c 97, s 13

more names written or printed on any of them than there ought


to be, or if any two or more of such ballots or papers be deceitfully

Double and

folded together, or if the purpose for which the vote is given is not

doubtful ballots
to be rejected

plainly designated thereon, such ballot shall be rejected and not





Id. s 27

27. As soon as the ballots shall be read off and counted, and the

1305, c 97, s 14

number for each candidate reckoned up and ascertained, the judge


or judges of election shall make out, under his or their hands, at-


tested by the clerks of the election, or one of them, on the books of

Certificates of

the polls, two plain, fair, and distinct statements and certificates of

the number of
votes to be

the number of votes which shall have been then and there given for


each candidate, distinguishing the station or office for which he has


been voted.

Id s 28

28. The said numbers shall be expressed in words at length, and

1805, c 97, s 14,
1860, c 10. s 3

not in figures only, according to the following form', or to the like

How certificates
to be made out.

effect, to wit: " State of Maryland, ———— county, to wit: We, the


undersigned, duly appointed by the county commissioners of said


county, or by a justice of the peace, or the voters (as the case may


be), in due form of law, judge or judges of election in this district,


No. ——, do hereby certify and return that we did attend on the

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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