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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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in which shall be written or printed the name or names of the per-

What ballots to
contain, and

son or persons voted for, and the purpose for which the vote is given

how delivered
and received

plainly designated, and the ballot so delivered in and received by

34 Md 298, 33
Md 135, 18 Md.

the judge or judges of election, shall be deposited in the ballot-box


until the poll be closed


16, If any judge of an election or other person, after a ballot

Id s 16

shall be delivered in and before the poll is closed, shall unfold or

1803, o 97, s 12.
Penalty for

open any such ballot with design to discover the name or names

opening ballots

therein contained, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars.


17. If any voter shall offer any more than one ballot with a

Id s 17
1805, c 97, s 12,

fraudulent design, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars

1860, c 10, s 3

for every such offence. This section not to apply to the city of Bal-

Offering more
than one

timore, where a different penalty is prescribed by the local law.

Not to apply to
Baltimore city

J 8. If any person at any election having voted once, shall offer

Id s 18

to vote again in the same district or county, he shall be subject to a

1805, c 97 s 25,

1860, c 10, s 3

penalty of ten dollars for such offence. This not to apply to the

Offering to vote
a second time

city of Baltimore.

Not to apply to
Baltimore city.

19. If any person shall vote twice at one election, he shall be

Id s 19

liable to a presentment in the Circuit Court for the county in which

1803, c 97, s 26,
1860, c 10, s 3

he may reside, and may be fined not exceeding forty dollars, and

Voting more
than once

imprisoned not exceeding one month, in the discretion of the court.

Not to apply to
Baltimore city

This section not to apply to the city of Baltimore, where a different


penalty is prescribed by the local law


20. If any person shall remove into any election precinct in the

Id s 20

city of Baltimore, not for the purpose of acquiring a bond fide resi-

1833, c 133, s 1,
1860, c 10, s 3,

dence therein, but for the purpose of voting therein at an approach-

1863, c. 143
Removing into

ing election, or shall vote or offer to vote in any election district or

district for pur-
pose of voting

precinct in which he does not reside (except in the case provided for


in the first article of the Constitution), or shall at the same election


vote in more than one election district or precinct, or shall vote or

Voting or offer-

offer to vote in any name not his own, or in the place of any other

ing to vote out
of district or in

person of the same name, or shall vote in any county or city in

the name of
another, etc

which he does not reside, such person, if the offence be committed


in a county, shall be punished by fine not less than ten nor exceed-


ing one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the county jail for


thirty days, and if the offence be committed in the city of Balti-


more, he shall be punished as prescribed by the local law of Bal-


timore city.


21. The judges of election may administer an oath in any inquiry

Id s 21

they may deem necessary to be made touching the right of any per-

1819, c 174
Judges may ad-

son offering to vote; and, if any person shall swear falsely in rela

minister oaths

tion thereto, he shall, upon conviction thereof, suffer the pains and


penalties of perjury.


22. It shall be the special duty of the judges of election to give

Id s 22.

information to the respective State's attorneys of all infractions of

1873, c 133, s 2
Judges shall in-

this article when discovered by them, under the penalty of twenty

form of viola-
tion of law

dollars for neglect in each case.


23. If any candidate, or other person or persons, shall practice

Id s 23.
1805, c. 97, s. 27,

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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