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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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according to law, as qualified voters under the constitution and laws


of this state, and that I will not permit any person to vote at the


same election whose name shall not be found upon the said registry


or list of qualified voters, and I will in all things execute the office


of judge of the said election, according to the best of my knowledge,


without favor or partiality, so help me God "

Art 35 s 10

1 0. Every clerk before he enters any vote on the polls shall take

1805, C 97, s 11
Oath of clerk

the following oath, to wit. " I, A. B., do swear that I will well and


faithfully, without favor, affection or partiality, execute the office of


clerk of the election now to be held according to the best of my


knowledge, so help me God. "

Id s 11

11. The several judges may administer the said oath to each

1805, c 97, B 11,
1828, c 160,

other, or take the same before a justice of the peace, and the clerks

1852, c 183 's 3
Oath of judges

may either be sworn by one of the judges or before a justice of the

and clerks, now

peace, and a certificate of every such oath, signed by the person ad-


ministering the same respectively, shall be annexed to the polls.



1867. c 374

12. The sheriffs of the several counties, under the penalty of

Notice of

fifty dollars, shall, at least three weeks previous to every election


required by law to be held, cause public notice to be given within


the respective counties, by advertisement set up at the most public


places within each election district of the county, and also by adver-


tisement in two newspapers of general circulation in the county,


of the time and place of holding the several elections; but if for

Effect of want

any cause said notice shall fail to be given, said failure shall not

of notice.

affect the validity of any election, but it shall be the duty of the judges


of election to hold the election in their several election districts, at


the time proscribed by law, and at the usual places of holding elec-


tions in the several election districts, or at the place in the several


election districts where the last preceding election was held, under


the penalty of five hundred dollars for each judge refusing or neglect-

Not applicable
to Baltimore

ing to hold such election. This section not to apply to the city of



Art 35, s 11

13. The sheriff shall, under the penalty of five hundred dollars,

1805, c 97, s 5,
1860, c 10, s 3

provide, or cause to be provided and delivered to the judges of elec-

by whom

tion in each district, previous to or at the commencement of each


election, a box for receiving the ballots, and two separate books for


the purpose of entering the voters' names

Id s 14
1805, c 97, s 12,

14:. All elections shall commence at nine o'clock in the morning

1860, c 10, s 3

of the respective days of election, and shall continue without adjourn-

Hours of

ment and be closed at six o'clock in the evening of the same day,


and no ballot shall be taken before the said hour of nine o'clock in

Not to apply to

the morning, nor after the said hour of six o'clock in the evening.

Baltimore city

This section not to apply to the city of Baltimore.

Id s 16

15. Every voter shall deliver to the judge or judges of the elec-

1805, c 97, s. 12,
1860, c 10, s 3,

tion in the district or precinct in which he offers to vote, a ballot,

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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