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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 41   View pdf image (33K)
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custody are missing, shall proceed without delay to make, or cause


to be made, a fair and accurate copy or copies of said list or lists,


and deliver the same to said sheriff, at least twelve hours before the


opening of the polls, at the election next ensuing; provided, that in


the counties the copy or copies of said lists shall be delivered to the


sheriffs of the several counties at least forty-eight hours before the


opening of the polls at the election next ensuing.


2 2, The sheriff of Baltimore city, and the sheriffs of the several

Id s. 19.

counties, respectively, shall receive and safely keep said copies of


lists of qualified voters delivered to them by the said officers of reg-


istration, and each sheriff shall, on the second day prior to each and

Sheriff to safely

every election, ascertain whether he has in his possession all the

keep copies of

copies of said lists committed to his custody, and if it shall appear


that one or more of said lists are not in his possession, he shall,


without delay, serve a written notification, accurately describing the


missing list, on the clerk of the court, that said list or lists are not in


the possession of the said sheriff, and said sheriff shall receive a copy


of said missing list or lists when tendered to him by said clerk, and


said sheriff shall deliver or cause to be delivered, on the day of each


and every election at the polls, at or before the time of opening said


polls, to the judges of election thereat, the copy of the list of quali-


fied voters pertaining to the election precinct or district over which


said judges are to preside.


23. The judges of election shall receive from the sheriff the lists

Id. s 20.

of qualified voters pertaining to their respective precincts or dis-

Duty of judges

tricts and preserve the same without alteration, multilation, or de-

of election in
regard to the

facement whilst in their possession, and shall, within two days after


the close of the polls, return to said sheriff the said list of qualified


voters, and the said judges of election shall not receive or deposit


in the ballot-box the ballot of any person offering to vote until they


shall have found his name in the list of qualified voters and shall be


satisfied the person so offering to vote is the person named in said


list, and have checked it thereon, and they shall receive and deposit


in the ballot-box the ballot of every person offering to vote whose


name appears in said lists of qualified voters.


24. The officers of registration for the several wards of Balti-

1878, c 352

more city, shall receive a salary of five hundred dollars for the year


eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and an annual salary of five


hundred dollars thereafter; and those for the several counties shall


each receive four dollars per day for each day necessarily employed


in the discharge of the duties imposed on them by this article; the


clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City shall receive one cent


for every ten words or figures, and pro rata for making certified


copies of said lists; and the clerks of the Circuit Courts for the


counties shall receive the same compensation for making certified


copies of said lists, and the said clerks shall receive twenty-five


cents for every certificate of registration issued by them under the


seal of their respective offices; the sheriffs of the several counties,


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 41   View pdf image (33K)
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