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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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registry books and the list of qualified voters the names of all per-


sons known or made known to them, who have died, removed from


the precinct or district, or who may not be residents or entitled to


vote in the precinct or district in which they are respectively regis-


tered or have otherwise become disqualified; and the said respective


officers of registration shall give at least five days' previous notice

Publication of

of the time and place of sitting, by publication in at least one news-


paper published in said county, or three newspapers, if in Baltimore


city, one of which shall be in German.

Id s 16

19. Immediately after the expiration of the days on which said


officers of registration shall have corrected said lists, as provided in

Method of

the preceding section, they shall proceed without delay to make, or


cause to be made, two alphabetical lists, one of which shall comprise


the names of those registered persons which said officers of registra-


tion have stricken from the list of qualified voters, and the books of


registration delivered to said officers by said clerks of courts, and


the other one of said lists shall comprise the names of those persons


whom said officers have added to the registry, and also the names


of those persons whom the judge of a court as aforesaid, to whom


an appeal hath been taken from the decision of an officer of registra-


tion, has decided to be entitled to be registered; said officers of


registration shall immediately cause said lists to be published by


handbills, as hereinbefore provided by this act, commencing at the


expiration of six days from the end of the sitting last mentioned;


the said officers of registration shall sit two consecutive days during


the hours aforesaid, for the purpose of revising said lists and books


of registration, notice of the time and place of which sitting shall


be given by publication in newspapers as hereinbefore provided;


immediately on the expiration of said two days said officers of regis-


tration shall make out the lists, as provided in the twelfth section


of this act, and said lists and the said books of registration shall


be immediately returned in the manner stated in the said last-named



Id s 17.

20. The board of police commissioners for Baltimore city, shall

Police officers to

detail police officers sufficient to preserve order at the places where

preserve order
in Baltimore

said officers of registration in Baltimore city, upon the written re-


quest of the registers of voters, are discharging the duties of their



Id s 18.

21. Said clerks of the Circuit Courts of the several counties of


this State, and of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, shall re-


ceive said copies of the lists of qualified voters, and said books of


registration, and file said lists as other papers are filed, and care-

Clerks of courts

fully preserve such lists and books, and said clerks shall permit ex-

to preserve the
lists and books.

amination of the same in their presence, or in the presence of their


deputies, and not otherwise; and they shall not alter, mutilate, or


deface, or suffer others to alter, mutilate, or deface the said lists of


voters, or books of registration; and said clerks, when notified by


the sheriff that any one or more of the list of voters committed to his

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 40   View pdf image (33K)
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