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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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and of Baltimore city, shall each receive one dollar for every list of


qualified voters delivered by them to the judges of election, to be


paid to said officers of registration and sheriffs for Baltimore city,


by the mayor and city council of Baltimore, and to the said officers

Expenses, how

for the several counties by the county commissioners thereof re-


spectively, and the necessary expenses incurred by said officers of


registration for books, stationery, fuel, office rent, and for publica-


tion of notices and lists of voters, for the several counties, shall be


paid by the county commissioners thereof respectively, and the


like necessary expenses incurred for the city of Baltimore, except


for books, stationery, fuel and office rent, for which no allowance


whatever shall be made, shall be paid by the mayor and city council


of Baltimore. The accounts of the said officers of registration shall

Counsel of

be verified by vouchers, and subject to the approval of the mayor


and city council of Baltimore and said county commissioners re-


spectively. The officers of registration in the city of Baltimore


shall annually elect some practicing member of the bar of Baltimore


city as counsel for said officers of registration in said city, whose


duty it shall be to appear for said officers of registration, and against


the appellant, at the hearing of all appeals from the decisions of said


officers, under the provisions of this act, and to assist said officers,


from time to time, at their request, by his advice upon all legal


matters pertaining to the duties of said officers; for his services he


shall receive an annual salary of three hundred dollars, to be paid


by the mayor and city council of Baltimore.

1876. c 249, s 22

25. If any officer of registration, clerk of a court, sheriff, judge

Neglect of duty

of election or police commissioner, shall knowingly refuse or neglect


to comply with any of the provisions of the several sections of


this act, imposing duties upon him, or if any officer of registra-


tion shall enter upon the list of registered voters the name of a


voter, or strike from said list the name of any person already entered


thereon, except at the time and place prescribed by this act, he


shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on presentment


and indictment therefor, and conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a


fine of not less than five hundred, nor more than one thousand dol-


lars for every such offence, or be imprisoned, in the discretion of


the court, for a period not exceeding three years, or both, and shall


also be liable in damages at the suit of the party aggrieved.

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 42   View pdf image (33K)
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