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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)
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dence necessary to entitle any person to vote or remain so registered


to vote, and the evidence necessary to entitle any person to be or


remain so registered, shall be an actual bond fide residence within


the precinct or district within which such person may claim to reside


and to be registered; and such actual bona fide residence shall be


established upon the oath or affirmation of competent evidence to


the satisfaction of the register to whom the application is made, and


to the satisfaction of the judge or judges to whom any appeal is


made under the provisions of this act; and the neglect or refusal of


any person deeming himself aggrieved by the refusal of any officer


of registration to register his name, or by the striking off of his


name from the list of qualified voters, to appeal by petition from


such action, as provided for in this art, shall be deemed and taken


to be conclusive evidence that the said person was rightfully refused


registration, or that the name of such person was rightfully stricken


from the list of qualified voters of such precinct or election district.


17. Whilst discharging the duties imposed by the several sec-

Id. s. 14.

tions of this act, said officers of registration shall have and exercise


the powers of a justice of the peace for the preservation of order

Powers of

around the place of registration, and may compel the presence of


witnesses for the purpose of obtaining any information necessary


to an intelligent discharge of the duties of their office; they shall


have power to issue summons, attachments, and commitments to


any sheriff or constable, who shall serve such process as if issued by


a judge of a court or a justice of the peace, and shall receive the


same fees and in the same manner as allowed by law in State cases,


but the officers of registration shall not charge any fee for the issu-


ing of such process, or receive any fee or emoluments for this or any


other service they may perform in the proper discharge of their


duties, except provided in this article.


18- Immediately after the ordering of any new or special elec-

Id. s 15.

tion as provided by the Constitution, except for senators or members

New or special

of the House of Delegates, the clerk of the Circuit Court of the


county in which such new or special election is to be held, or the


clerk of the Superior Court for Baltimore City, if such election is to


be held in said city, shall deliver to the officers of registration of said


county or city the books of registration, and lists of qualified voters


for said county or city, whereupon said officers of registration shall


for three successive days if in Baltimore city, or for two successive


days if in either of the counties, commencing not more than ten

Time and place
of sitting of

days after the ordering of such election, at some convenient place


to the voters of the several election districts of said county, or of the


several precincts of Baltimore city, sit with open doors from nine


o'clock A. M. to six o'clock P. M. in the several counties, or from nine


o'clock A. M. to nine o'clock p M. in Baltimore city, for the purpose of


registering all persons applying to them for that purpose, who may


possess the necessary qualifications to vote at such election in the


manner hereinbefore prescribed, and shall proceed to strike from the


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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)
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