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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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and the name of every voter shall be placed in the lists of the pre-


cinct in which he resides, and the residence of each person in the


city of Baltimore shall be as far as known set opposite his name;


and every person whose name appears in said corrected lists of quali-


fied voters or in the revised registration books returned to the clerk


of the Circuit Court of the respective counties or to the clerk of the


Superior Court of Baltimore City, shall be entitled to vote at the


polls in said district or precinct of the ward or county for which his


name appears, at every election held thereafter, until after another


registration of voters has been duly published, except those persons


who shall become disqualified by change of residence, and said offi-


cers of registration shall cause to be published two alphabetical lists,


one of which shall comprise the names of those persons stricken from


the books of registration, and the other one of said lists shall com-


prise the names of the persons which said officers have registered,


which list shall be published by handbills as hereinbefore provided


for in this act, and no person shall be registered after the expira-


tion of the time for correcting the lists.

Id s 12

15. After the final completion of each revision of the said reg-


istry lists as hereinbefore provided, said officers of registration


shall make or cause to be made, in books proper for the purpose,

Copies of lists

two fair copies of the lists of the qualified voters as made after the

for sheriff and
clerk of court

last sitting of said officers respectively; and the said officers of reg-


istration in the city of Baltimore shall, within ten days after such


last sitting, deliver one of said lists to the sheriff of Baltimore city,


and the other of said lists and the said books of registration of said


precincts of said city to the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore


City; and said officers of registration in said counties shall, within


five days after the last sitting of said officers respectively, deliver


one of said lists to the sheriff of his county, and the other of said


lists and the said registry books to the clerk of the Circuit Courts


of the counties; and the said books of registration shall be safely


kept and preserved by said clerks as hereinbefore provided by this



Id s 13.

16. No person shall be entitled to be, or remain registered in


any precinct or election district, unless he shall have been a resi-


dent of the State for one year, and of the city of Baltimore, or the


county in which registration be claimed, for six months next pre-


ceding the next ensuing election, at which such registration would


be evidence of the right of the person so registered to vote; and in


case any county or city be so divided as to form portions of differ-


ent electoral districts for the election of representatives in Congress,


delegates, or other officers, then to entitle a person to be or remain


registered in any particular section, or part of such county or city,


he must have been a resident of that part or section of the electoral


district in which he claims to be or is registered for six months next


preceding the next election, at which such registration would be evi-


dence of the right of the person so registered to vote; and the rest-

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Revised Code of the Public General Laws, 1879
Volume 388, Page 38   View pdf image (33K)
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