within said village; and the said corporation may lease
or otherwise dispose of any property now owned or
which may be hereafter acquired by said village, hav-
ing first given public notice of such lease or sale in one
or more of the newspapers printed in Caroline county
once a week for three successive weeks before such
lease or sale.
100. The bounds of Greensborough shall be as they
have been, or may hereafter be fixed by the commis-
sioners of said village, not containing more than four
hundred acres of land.
ers, when and
how elected.
101. The citizens of Greensborough who have re-
sided in said village for six months previous to the day
of election, and who are qualified to vote for delegates
to the general assembly, shall, on the fourth Monday
of April, annually, at such place as the commissioners
of said village shall appoint, elect by ballot five per-
sons, residents and qualified voters of said village, com-
missioners of Greensborough.
Judges of elec-
102. The commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
be judges of such election, and the proceedings shall be
recorded under their direction, and every commissioner,
before he opens an election, shall make oath before a
justice of the peace that he will faithfully and impar-
tially permit every person to vote at such election who
shall be qualified to vote for commissioners of said vil-
lage, and that he will not suffer any person to vote at
such election who shall not be legally qualified to vote.
Notice of elec-
103. If at any time an election shall. not be had for
commissioners at the time mentioned in this article, an
election may be held at any time after ten days notice
thereof shall have been given by the commissioners or
a majority of them.
among com-
104. If any vacancy shall occur by the death, resig-
nation, removal or refusal to act of any one or more of
the commissioners elected as aforesaid, the remaining
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall elect a
proper person to fill said vacancy.
New election In
case of tie.
105. If at any election held under this article, two
or more persons shall receive the same number of votes