100. Sub-Sec. 1 Districts divided into pre-
Sub-Sec. 2. Precincts in first district.
Sub-Sec 3 Precincts in third district.
Sub-Sec 4. Precincts in eleventh dis-
Sub-Sec. 5. Duty of officers of registra-
Sub-Sec. 6. Precincts in seventh dis-
Sub Sec. 7. Metes and bounds of pre-
Sub-Sec. 8. Duty of officers of regis-
Sub-Sec. 9. Judges of election.
102 Adjoining owners to keep up fences
103 Erection of joint fences: how com-
104. Proceedings before building fence:
fence viewers.
107. Fences, how to be built.
108. Pay of fence viewers.
195. Swine not to run at large.
196. May be impounded pay for reclaim-
lug same.
197. When impounder may sell.
198. How disputes between owner and Im-
pounder determined.
213 Stock not to run at large near Catons-
214. May be Impounded and sold: proviso.
215. Disposition of proceeds of sale.
216. Stock not to run at large near Pikes-
217. May be impounded and sold.
218. Disposition of proceeds.
21D. Road supervisors: how appointed-
term of office.
220. Supervisors to form board.
221. Chairman to keep record, &c.
222. Removable for neglect of duty: pro-
223. Country commissioners to keep re-
cord of roads and bridges.
224. Duties of supervisors.
226. Supervisors to take charge of roads,
220. Opening, closing, &c., of roads.
227. Levy for roads.
228, Special road and bridge fund.
229 County commissioners may borrow
money for use of general fund.
230. Application for opening new road,
&c notice; plat.
231. Plat and report to be returned to
county commissioners.
232. Assessment of damages and benefits
how collected and paid extra improve-
ments, proviso, width of road pay of su-
pervisors, bridges.
233. Guide-posts and finger-boards, pen-
alty for defacing.
231. Construction of this act
235. Certain moneys not to be expended.
236. Appointment of street commission-
ers: survey of parts of county adjacent to
Baltimore streets, &c, to be laid out.
237. Notice of return of plat, objections
to plat appeal to circuit court.
238. Application to open streets no dam-
ages for Improvements mode after street
239. Damages and benefits to be assessed
plat of street, &c. plat and report to be re-
turned to county commissioners: proviso.
240. Application to grade and pave, 4c.,
streets: commissioners to advertise for
proposals; tax: how tax levied and as-
sessed, county not responsible, report to
county commissioners.
241. Party aggrieved may object to ratifi-
cation: proviso appeal to circuit court.
242. County commissioners may contract
for surveying.
243. Pay of street commissioners: vacan-
244. Owners may determine paving mate-
245. Bounds. Incorporated.
246. Election of commissioners: term.
powers open streets.
247. Commissioners to elect officers, sal-
ary, bond of treasurer end collector.
24S. Taxes: collection proviso.
249 Quorum vacancies.
250. First election who entitled to vote
returns to be mode to circuit court com-
missioners' oath.
261. Subsequent elections.