circuit court of said county, and may be fined at the
discretion of the court, and the fines imposed shall
likewise be applied to the road fund of his said dis-
Ibid. s. 10
may contract
for repairs.
244. The several supervisors shall have power, with
the assent of the county commissioners, to contract with
the proprietor of any lands adjacent to any public road
for keeping said road, or any designated part thereof,
in repair for the term of one year; and said contractor
shall, during the time covered by his contract, be liable
to be proceeded against for any dereliction of duty in
respect to repairing said roads in the same manner as
is above provided in respect to supervisors, in addition
to his liability for breach of his contract.
Ibid. s. 11.
upon, or Injury
to roads.
245. If any person shall encroach upon any public
road by fences or other obstructions, or by cultivating
the same within fifteen feet from the centre, or shall
purposely destroy or injure any bridge or culvert, or
destroy or injure any guide-post or guide-boards, or
dig any ditch or drain across any road, and not keep
such ditch or drain secure and well covered, and in
good repair for the passage of all vehicles over the
same to the full width of said road, or if any person
shall drain any water into or upon any public road,
each and every such person, for every such offence,
and for each and every day any such ditch or drain
shall be suffered to remain out of repair and injurious
to such road, shall be liable to be sued in an action
of debt before a justice of the peace in the name of
said commissioners, in which said action the amount
recoverable shall not be less than five nor more than
fifty dollars, either party having the right of appeal to
the circuit court, as in other cases of small debts, and
the sums recovered in any such action to be applied in
the same manner as hereinbefore provided.
Approved and in force April 4, 1870.