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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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the commissioners or their order, all sums of money so
received by him; and the said bond shall be recorded
in the office of the circuit court for Worcester county,
at the expense of the corporation.


Sub-Sec. 1. The said commissioners may allow their
treasurer such compensation for his services as they
may deem reasonable and just.


Sub-Sec. 2. The clerk and bailiff appointed in
accordance with this act, before they enter upon the
duties of their office, shall severally make oath before
one of said commissioners, that they will faithfully
and impartially perform the duties of their respective
offices, according to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, without favor, partiality or prejudice, and the
said bailiff, before he shall enter upon the duties of his
office, shall give bond to the commissioners aforesaid
in such penalty as they may direct, and with security
to be approved by them, for the faithful performance
of his duties, and for the payment to them or their
order, of all money collected or received by him, and
the said bond shall be recorded in the office of the clerk
of the circuit court for Worcester county, within thirty
days after it shall be executed.

Oath of clerk
and bailiff.

Sub-Sec. 3. The said bailiff shall be empowered to
make arrests, and shall have all and the same powers
that are now vested in the constables for Worcester


Sub-Sec. 4. The said commissioners shall erect lamps
and lamp posts at such places in said town as they may
think proper, and shall provide for lighting of the same,
and also those that are now erected.

Lamp posts.

Sub-Sec. 5. The said commissioners may make such
by-laws or ordinances for the regulation, good govern-
ment, improvement and comfort of said town and the
inhabitants thereof, to restrain disorders and disturb-
ances, and prevent and remove all nuisances within
said town as to them or a majority of them may seem
proper, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, and

By-laws and

may enforce the observance thereof, under such penal-
ties, fines and forfeitures as they shall deem proper.

Penalties, fines
and forfeitures.

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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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