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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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not exceeding five dollars for any one offence, and all
such fines, penalties and forfeitures may be recovered
before a justice of the peace, by warrant, judgment and
commitment to the public jail of Worcester county in
the same manner that commitments are made for fines
imposed by the circuit court of this state on conviction
for misdemeanor, but the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them shall have power at any time to remit or
release the said fines, penalties and forfeitures and costs,
or any part thereof, at their discretion; but any party
who shall be fined or subjected to any penalty or for-
feiture may within five days after the same shall be im-
posed and judgment recovered, supersede or stay the
same for thirty days, by giving ample personal security
to the justice of the peace, and the said fines and penal-
ties and forfeitures, shall thereafter be collected as small
debts are now collected, before a justice of the peace.

Fire engine.

Sub-Sec. 6. The said commissioners may purchase a
fire-engine for the use of said town, by and with the
consent of a majority of the legal voters of said town,
to be ascertained by an election to be called by the said
commissioners for that special purpose.

Tax on cows
and calves run-
ning at large

Sub-Sec. 7. The said commissioners may impose an
annual tax of one dollar upon the owner of every cow
or calf that shall run at large within the said town.

Limits of town.

Sub-Sec. 8. The said commissioners may extend the
limits of said town if they shall deem it proper.

&c, to be pub-

Sub-Sec. 9. All orders or ordinances which may be
promulgated or enacted by the said corporation shall be
made public through some newspaper printed in the
town of Snow Hill, or by printed hand-bills posted in
not less than five conspicuous places in said town.

In force and approved March 30, 1868.

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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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