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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)
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day of impounding any goose, and fifty cents for every
day of impounding any hog, the bailiff may sell the
same at public sale, and after deducting thirty cents for
every goose, and one dollar for every hog, shall pay
the purchase money to the commissioners of said town.


144. The said commissioners may cause an assess-
ment and valuation to be made of all the real and
personal property within said town, between the tenth
of July and the tenth of August next, and may levy
on the property assessed such sums of money as they
may deem necessary for the improvement of said town,
not to exceed thirty cents, on any one hundred dollars
worth of property for any one year.


145. The said commissioners shall appoint two per-
sons to make such assessment, who shall make oath
before the said commissioners that they will faithfully
and impartially make the same to the best of their
judgment, and they shall be paid for their services by
said commissioners out of the taxes levied as aforesaid

Appeal from

146. Any person who may deem himself or herself
aggrieved by said assessment, may appeal for relief to
the said commissioners within thirty days after the
return made by the assessors, and the commissioners
may alter or change the same in their discretion; and
the said commissioners shall have the power annually
to make abatements and transfers, and cause a new
assessment to be made.

Treasurer of

147. The said commissioners shall annually appoint
a treasurer of the corporation, who shall keep accounts
of the receipts and disbursements of the funds of the
corporation, in 'a well bound book to be provided. by
them for that purpose, and shall render annually to


the commissioners an account thereof; but before the
treasurer shall enter upon the duties of his office, he


shall give bond to the state of Maryland, in such pen-
alty as the commissioner may fix, with secureties to be
approved by them, conditioned that he will well and
faithfully account for all moneys paid over to him by
the bailiff of said town as any other person, for the use
of said town, and shall also well and truly pay over to

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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)
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