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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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sonable and just, and may remove either of said officers
at pleasure.


137. The said commissioners shall cause to be
removed all nuisances and obstructions that may inter-
rupt the passage, or injure the health of the inhabitants
of said town, from the streets, lanes and alleys, and
may provide for the mending and improvement thereof.

Nuisances, &c.,

138. They may prohibit the firing of guns or pistols
in said town, and may prohibit the tumultuous and
irregular meetings of idle and dissolute persons, and
shall give general directions to the bailiff to disperse
the same by fair and lawful means.

Firing guns,



139. The said commissioners may provide for levy-
ing and collecting annually a tax of fifty cents on every
dog and one dollar on every bitch within said town,
and the killing of every dog and bitch whose owner
cannot be ascertained, or whose owner shall refuse to pay
said tax, or who shall fail to do so within one month
from the time he shall be first called upon to do so.


140. The said commissioners may impose such fines,
penalties and forfeitures for breach of their ordinances
as they may think proper, not exceeding five dollars
for any one offence, and may pass all ordinances neces-
sary to give effect and operation to the powers vested in

Fines and for-

141. The public grounds in said town shall be vested
in said commissioners, so far as to preserve the same,

Public grounds.

and prevent depredations thereon, and they may erect
a pump thereon if they think necessary.


142. They may pass ordinances to prevent horses,
cattle, swine and geese from running at large within the
limits of said town.

Cattle, &c, run-
ning at large.

143. Nor person shall permit his hogs or geese to
run at large in said town, and if any hog or goose
shall be found running at large therein, the bailiff

Hogs and

shall immediately seize and impound the same, and
the bailiff shall immediately give notice thereof by
public advertisement, and if the owner shall not within
three days thereafter pay said bailiff ten cents for every


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 405   View pdf image (33K)
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