Oath of judges
132. The judges so appointed shall before proceed-
ing to hold said election, take an oath before some
justice of the peace for Worcester county, to allow all
persons to vote who are so qualified according to the
provisions of this act, and that they will allow none to
vote unless they are so qualified.
Vacancy among
133. If any of said commissioners shall die, resign
or be disqualified to act, the remaining commissioners
shall as early thereafter as possible, fill the vacancy
from among the qualified voters as aforesaid, and the
office of a commissioner shall be vacated by his removal
from said town.
Oath of com-
134. Each commissioner before he proceeds to act as
such shall make oath before a justice of the peace for
Worcester county, that he will diligently and faithfully
to the best of his skill and judgment, perform the duties
of a commissioner of said town without favor, partiality
or prejudice, and a certificate of such qualification shall
be returned by the said justice to the commissioners, and
filed and recorded among their proceedings, and the
Meetings of
said commissioners shall meet on the first Monday of
every month, and as much oftener, by adjournment, as
they may think proper, and a majority shall constitute
a board for the transaction of any business.
135. The said commissioners shall at their first
meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible, elect a presi-
dent, who shall preside at all meetings of the board,
when present give directions to the clerk and bailiff, by
the advice of the commissioners or a majority of them,
and superintend such improvement of the town as may
be ordered by the commissioners, and in the absence of
the president the commissioners may appoint some
member of the board to fill the chair temporarily.
Clerk and bai-
136. The said commissioners shall appoint a clerk,
who shall keep the minutes of their proceedings in a
well bound book, to be provided by them for that pur-
pose; and they shall also appoint a bailiff to said town
and prescribe his duties, and shall pay the said clerk
and bailiff such compensation as they may deem rea-