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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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son who may sue for the same, and the other half to be
paid to the justice and by him paid annually to the
county commissioners of the county.


137. If any person shall fish any such weir or hedge,
he shall for every offense forfeit the sum of fifteen dol-
lars, to be recovered and applied as directed in the pre-
ceding section.

In force and approved March 28, 1868.


1868, c. 107 repeals section 194 and substitutes the following therefor:

By the act of 1868, o. 215 the commissioners of Anne Arundel county are authorized
and directed to allow the sheriffs of said county such additional compensation for the
board of prisoners committed to the jail of said county from March 10,1807, to
March 10,1868, as in their judgment they may deem advisable.

1868, c. 107.
Fifty cents per
day for board-
ing prisoner.

194. The sheriff of Anne Arundel county shall be
allowed for keeping and boarding each prisoner com-
mitted to the jail of said county the sum of fifty cents
per day, to be levied and collected according to law.

In force and approved March 7, 1868.


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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