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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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1868, c. 367 enacts that the county commissioners of Anne Arundel county, or a
majority of them, be and they are hereby authorized and empowered, if in their
judgment they shall deem it expedient, as soon as a bona fide subscription for ten
thousand shares of the capital stock of the Baltimore and Drum Point Bail Road
Company shall have been made by other parlies, to subscribe in behalf of said
county for a sum of money not exceeding two thousand shares of the said stock,
and in payment of the said subscription to issue bonds in the name of the county
commissioners of said county in such sums, and redeemable in such time or times
within twenty years, as the said commissioners shall prescribe on the face of said
bonds, and to sell the said bonds and apply the proceeds of such sales in payment
for the slock so subscribed for by them, and to each of said bonds shall be attached
coupons for the interest thereon, at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable

That the said bonds shall be exempt from county and municipal taxation, and the
faith of Anne Arundel county is hereby pledged for the redemption thereof.

That the said county commissioners shall levy on the assessable property subject
to taxation, for the ordinary expenses of the said county, such sum or sums of money
as shall, in their discretion, be necessary for the prompt payment of the principal
and interest of the said bonds.

That the said county commissioners are hereby authorized to sell or pledge the
shares of stock which may be subscribed for under the provisions of this act, and
apply the proceeds to the payment of said bonds or the interest thereon.

That a majority of said county commissioners are hereby empowered to vote the
stock subscribed for by this act at any meeting of the stockholders of said company,
under such conditions as the private stockholders may be authorized to vote their
individual stock.

That this act shall be advertised in the newspapers published in Anne Arundel
county, for two months preceeding the next election held for members of the house
of delegates, and be subject to the approval of a majority of all the members elected
to each house of the general assembly of Maryland, at its next session after said


1868. c. 202 entitled an act to protect the navigation of the Patuxent river enacts

as follows

135. All weirs and hedges in the Patuxent river
above Hill's bridge and below the public wharf at the
town of Queen Anne, are declared nuisances and may
be abated as such by any person.

1888, c 202.
What weirs
and hedges,

136. If any person shall place or make any weir or
hedge in the said Patuxent river, contrary to the pro-
visions of the preceding section, he shall forfeit the sum
of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered before any jus-
tice of the peace, either of Prince George's county or
Anne Arundel county, one-half to the informer or per-



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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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