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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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Baltimore County.


55. Tax collection districts.
56. Collectors, bond.
57. Compensation to collector/".
58. Duty of collectors: notice: time al-
lowed for collection.
59. Proceedings to enforce collections.
60. Redemption.
61. Coats.
62. Memoranda of assessable property,
statements to county commissioners.
63. Re-appointments.
64. Liability of securities.


101 Dividing line of third and fourth elec-
tion districts.
105 Precincts.
106. First election district: metes and
107. Third district.
108. Ninth district.
109 Eleventh district.
110. Twelfth district.
111. Duty of officers of registration.
112. Judges for precincts.

113. Incorporated.
114. Limits of town.
115. Election of commissioners: their
powers provisos.
118. Judges of election.
117. Who entitled to vote.
118. Quorum, vacancy.


139. Time of meeting.
140. Mileage to judges.


148 Alphabetical index to records : costs,
levy for amount.


14D. Primary road districts.
Sub-Sec. 2. Election for supervisors: local
board of supervisors of district No. 1, 4o...
who to vote : vacancy
Sub-Sec. 3. Organizing local boards.
Sub-Sec. 4. Sub-dislriuts.
150. Central board of review and control of
roads and bridges.
Sub-Sec. 2. Duties of central board.
151. Powers of local board . appeal . pro-
Sub-Bee. 2. Estimates . tax.
152. Work or pay tax: certificate- pro-
Sub-Sec. 2. Sections road-book : notice :
sale of sections . repair proviso.
Sub-Sec. 3. Letting out sections.
Bub-Sec. 4. Contracts for sections . secu-
163 Duty of contractors : specifications :
neglect to repair, &c.
164. Improvement by contiguous property
holders: joint stock company, proviso:
graveling, draining, &c.
las. Committees: county surveyor . room
for meetings of central board : expenses ot
board : clerk . times of meetings.
166. Changing location of road, &c . pro-
cedure: appeal.
157. Bonds of treasurer and collector of
primary district, suit
Sub-Sec. 2. Powers of supervisors, ap-
Sub-Sec. 3. Payment of money due, time
allowed, tax.
Sub-Sec. 4. Application for new road, how
made : duty of local board.
Sub-Sec. 5 Certificates of payment.
Sub-Sec. 6. List of persons assessed.
Sub-Sec. 7. Rules and regulations
158. Opening streets leading from city.


By the act of 1668, c. 232 the county commissioners of Baltimore and Carroll
counties are authorized and required to levy a sum of money on the assessable
property of their respective counties at their next levy term to the amount of tour
thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, in the discretion of the
county commissioners, two thousand dollars of said four thousand dollars to be levied
by the county commissioners of Baltimore county on the tax payers of said county,


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 251   View pdf image (33K)
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