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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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to destrain therefor as the collector of public county
assessment has to destrain for the same, and the said
president and commissioners shall fix the term of office,
amount of bond and compensation of such collector.

Ibid. s. 11.

183. The said commissioners, or a majority of them,
shall have full power and authority, annually, to
appoint a bailiff, whose duty it shall be to preserve
the peace and good order of said town, and for this
purpose he is hereby vested with the same power and
authority as any constable may now have under the
laws of this state.

Ibid. s. 12.
No banking

184. Nothing herein contained shall be so construed
as to authorize the corporation created to issue any
device, token, note, certificate or evidence of debt to be


used as currency, and the legislature reserves the right
to annul or repeal this charter when the same shall be
deemed advisable.

In force and approved February 26, 1868.


Anne Arundel County.


What weirs and hedges, nuisances penalty


191 Fifty cents per day, for boarding pri-


1868, c. 416 is entitled an art appointing a committee with authority to purchase
a lot or lots of ground in the city of Annapolis, and causing to be erected thereon a
mansion for the governor of this state, and making an appropriation therefor.


1868, c 261 enacts that the county commissioners of Anne Arundel county be and
they are hereby authorized, if in their judgment they deem it expedient, to contri-
bute one thousand dollars to aid the commissioners of Baltimore and Howard coun-
ties in the purchase and construction of a bridge on the Patapsco river, at Elkridge
Landing, with a view to making the same a free bridge thereafter.


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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