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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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perty in said county such sum or sums of money as
shall be necessary to pay for the same.


172. It shall be the duty of the said keeper and
inspector to try and inspect all seals and measures, as
provided in section one hundred and seventy, at least
once in every three months, and to brand or stamp
with the letters M. S., (meaning thereby Maryland
standard,) all such weights and measures inspected by
him, as corresponded with the standard of weights and
measures, and any person or persons or body corporate
or politic, who shall be found weighing or measuring
with any seal or measure not branded, or stamped as

Duty of keeper
and inspector.

herein provided, shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars for
each offense, to be recovered as small debts are now
recovered in this state, one-half to be paid to the
informer, and the other half for the use of the free
schools in the said county.

In force and approved March 30, 1868.



1868, c. 40 enacts the following, and repeals all acts or parts of acts inconsistent


173. The citizens of the town of Westernport, in
Allegany county, shall be and they are hereby made a
body corporate, by the name of the commissioners of
Westernport, with all the privileges of a body corpo-
rate, and to have a common seal and perpetual succes-

1869, c 40, B 1.
Town incorpo-


174. The free white male citizens of Westernport
aforesaid, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards,
being citizens of the United States, who have resided
in said town for and during the space of six months
next preceding the first Monday in May next, may on
that day, at the usual place of holding elections in said
town, and on the first Monday in June, in each and
every year thereafter, at such house as shall hereafter
be designated by the municipality, be authorized to
elect five commissioners for said town, who shall be

Ibid s. 2.
Election or


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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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