the repairs of said road, and also of the various items
of expenditures upon the same, accompanied by the
vouchers of said expenditures.
In force and approved March 7,1868.
1868, c. 108 repeals and re-enacts section 259 as follows :
1868, c. 108
Fifty cents per
159. He shall be entitled to fifty cents per day for
each prisoner committed to the jail of said county, and
one dollar for each prisoner brought out to court and
returned to jail, and the following sums for taking
Convicts to
convicts to the penitentiary, to wit : when a single
convict is taken, forty-five dollars; when two together,
thirty dollars each; when more than two twenty-five
dollars each, to be levied as other county charges.
In force and approved March 7, 1868.
1868, c. 256 repeals and re-enacts sections 170,171 and 172, to read as follows :
1869, c. 250.
Keeper and in-
170. The county commissioners of Allegany county
shall annually appoint a keeper and inspector of weights
and measures, whose duty it shall be to try and inspect
the weights and measures used by all merchants and
persons, bodies politic or corporate, in weighing or
measuring any article of merchandise, coal or produce
for sale, who shall receive as compensation for the ser-
vices to be performed by him, the sum of five hundred
dollars, annually to be levied and paid by the county
commissioners as now provided by law.
weights and
171. Said county commissioners shall procure for
the use of such keeper and inspector, standard weights
and measures, such as are used at the custom house, in
Baltimore city, at the expense of the county, and they
are hereby authorized to levy on the assessable pro-