owners of real estate in the town, and who shall have
resided within the limits of the same eighteen months
next preceding the election.
Ibid s. 3.
How elected.
175. A justice of the peace, for the time being resid-
ing in said town, shall appoint by writing, under his
hand and seal, three judges to hold the first election,
who shall keep the polls open from nine o'clock in the
morning until five in the afternoon, and shall conduct
the said election in the same manner in which the
judges of election are now directed to conduct an elec-
tion for delegates to the general assembly as far as may
be consistent with the provisions of this act, and the
said judges shall make returns under their hands and
seals of the persons elected to the clerk of Allegany
county, to be kept by him.
Ibid. s. 4
Future elec-
176. All future elections shall be held and con-
ducted as shall be from time to time directed by the
laws of the corporation, the same not being inconsist-
ent with the provisions of this act.
Ibid. s. 5.
177. The said commissioners, elected according to
the provisions of this act, on the first meeting after the
said election, choose some one of the said commission-
ers president of the board, whose duty it shall be to
preside at the meetings of the said commissioners, and
preserve order and give such directions as may be
deemed necessary by the said commissioners to carry
in full effect the provisions of this act; he shall also
have the power to try offenders for violating town
ordinances, assess fines and penalties, in accordance
with the provisions of this act, and the ordinances
which the commissioners may legally enact.
Ibid s. 8.
Vacancy, how
178. The commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of
them, may meet together from time to time, as often as
occasion may require, upon the business of said town,
and not less than once every three months, and if
during the year for which they may be selected any of
the commissioners should die, resign, remove from said
town, or be otherwise disqualified, an election to fill
the vacancy on ten days' notice thereof being given
by the commissioners shall be held, which all persons