duties as said superintendent, enter into a bond with
such security as may be deemed sufficient by the com-
missioners of Allegany county, conditioned that he will
well and faithfully, to the best of his skill and ability,
discharge the duties of superintendent of said road, and
that he will regularly every year at the June term of
the commissioners of Allegany county, return to said
commissioners under oath a just, full and fair account
of all sums of money paid by him and to whom paid
in repairing and improving said Will's creek road.
In force and approved March 20, 1868.
1888, c. 109 entitled an act to authorize the county commissioners of Allegany
county to levy a sum of money for improving a road running from Green Ridge
on the National turnpike, to Twigg's Lock on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal,
enacts as follows:
154. The county commissioners of Allegany county
are authorized to levy a sum of money, (not, however,
exceeding one thousand dollars,) for the laying out and
repairing of a road running from Green Ridge, on the
National turnpike, in said county, to Twigg's Lock, on
the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, and shall levy annually
such sum of money as they may deem necessary to keep
said road in good repair.
1868, c 109
Levy for repair-
ing road
155. It shall be the duty of the judges of the or-
phans' court of said Allegany county to appoint a suit-
able person to act as superintendent for the purpose of
supervising and attending to the repairs, laying out
and improvement of said road, and said superintendent
shall, within sixty days after his appointment as afore-
said, give a bond with surety for the faithful expendi-
ture of all moneys levied as aforesaid, and if he shall
fail to execute such bond after his appointment, the
judges of the orphans' court of said county shall ap-
point another superintendent in the place of him who
may fail to give bond.
156. Said superintendent shall return under oath to
the county commissioners of said county a full and
particular account of the amount received by him for