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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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necessary to repair the old road or make a new road
has been subscribed by private individuals, the same to
be paid by said private individuals either in money,
labor or materials; it is hereby distinctly understood
that all of the private subscriptions are to be applied
solely to the filling up of the present road or to the
making of a new road, and are not to be required by
the said commissioners of Allegany county for any
future repairs of the road after the first year.


151. The judges of the orphans' court of Allegany
county are hereby authorized and it shall be their duty
annually, in the month of April in each and every
year, to appoint a suitable person who shall be a resi-
dent of the northwest side of Will's creek and shall
live contiguous to the road named in this law, who
shall be known and named as the superintendent of


eaid road, and who shall supervise and attend to all
repairs which he shall deem necessary to be made on
said road, and it shall be the duty of said superintend-
ent annually at the June term of the meeting of the
commissioners of Allegany county to render to said
commissioners a full and just account under oath of all
money expended by him in the repairs of said road,
naming the person or persons to whom money has
been paid and for what purpose paid, and the county
commissioners in said settlement shall allow said super-


intendent of said road the same per diem for his ser-
vices that are allowed to the several supervisors of
roads in Allegany county, and no extra allowance for
his services for any purpose whatsoever.

Specific levy

152. Whatever sum of money the commissioners of
Allegany county may deem necessaary to meet and
pay for the purposes contemplated by this law shall
be made a separate and specific levy by the commis-
sioners of Allegany county, and shall be levied and
made payable by the county collector to the order of
the person who may be appointed the superintendent
of the repairs of said road annually.

eni's bond.

153. The person who may be appointed the super-
intendent of this road shall, before entering upon his

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Supplement to the Maryland Code, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly, Passed at the Session of 1868
Volume 385, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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