of said property required by the said corporation;
and in case said property shall be subject to a lease,
or an estate for life, the jury shall ascertain and
return in their inquisition the value of such lease
or estate for life, and also the value of the estate in
remainder or reversion.
Jury to sum-
mon witnesses,
152. The jury shall summon such witnesses as
either party may require, and examine them on oath
in relation to the property to be condemned, and
they shall reduce the testimony to writing if any is
taken by them, and. after the testimony is closed,
and without any unnecessary delay, and before pro-
ceeding to the examination of any other claims,
they shall ascertain and determine the compensation
which ought to be made by the said corporation to
the parties owning said property according to their
respective interests in the property to be condemned.
Jury to reduce
their inquisi-
tion to writing,
153. The jury shall reduce their inquisition to
writing, and shall sign and seal the same, and it shall
be returned by the sheriff to the circuit court for
Frederick county, within twenty days after the find-
ing, and shall be filed by the clerk of the circuit
court for Frederick county, in said court.
Inquisition to
be confirmed
and recorded.
154. The said inquisition shall be confirmed by
the court if no sufficient cause to the contrary be
shown, notice being first given to the opposite party
or their agent, or attorney, or left at their usual place
of abode, at least fifteen days prior to the day fixed
by the court for acting on such inquisition, and such
inquisition when confirmed, shall be recorded by the
clerk of said court, at the expense of said corpora-
tion; provided, if the said party does not reside in
Frederick county, or has no agent or attorney, no
notice shall be required.
In case inquisi-
tion be net
155. If the said inquisition be set aside the court
shall direct another inquisition to be held, and shall
order the sheriff of Frederick county to summon
another jury, who shall assemble and proceed in the
manner provided by the foregoing sections.