1867, c. 96 adds the following sections to follow section 147:
148. The mayor, aldermen and common council of
Frederick shall have full power and authority to
erect one or more markets within the corporate
1867, c. 147.
Corporation to
build markets.
limits of the city of Frederick, and to purchase all
such real estate as may be necessary for such pur-
pose, and receive deeds for the same.
Real estate to
be purchased.
149. In case the said mayor, aldermen and com-
mon council of Frederick and the party or par-
ties owning said real estate cannot agree upon the
price of such real estate, or the parties owning the
same shall be infants, idiots or lunatics, or absent
from the county or state, or feme coverts, or trustees
having no beneficial interest therein, or cestuisque
trust, or shall labor under any disability, then upon
application being made by the mayor of said city to
any justice of the peace of the state of Maryland, in
and for Frederick county, the said justice shall issue
how decided.
his summons under his hand and seal to the sheriff
of Frederick county, requiring him to summon
twenty persons qualified to act as jurors, not inter-
ested in the property to be valued, to meet at or
near the property to be valued on a day named in
said summons, not less than ten nor more than
twenty days after the issuing of the same.
Jurors to con-
demn land.
150. If at the time named in said summons any of
said jurors summoned do not attend, the sheriff shall
immediately summons as many persons qualified to
act as jurors, as may be necessary with the jurors in
attendance to form a panel of twenty jurors, and
from them each party or his agent, or if either be
not present in person or by agent, the sheriff for
such party may strike off four jurors and the remain-
ing persons shall act as the jury for the inquest of
In case jurors
do not attend.
15l. Before the said jury shall proceed to act the
sheriff shall administer to each of them an oath, that
he will justly and impartially value the damages
which the owner shall sustain by the condemnation
Sheriff to ad-
minister oath
to jurors.