1864, c. 1.
Aldermen and
council em-
powered to
levy and col-
lect taxes, pave
streets, &c.
118. They may lay taxes and collect, either by
distress or by suit at law, all taxes now or hereafter
to be laid, pass ordinances to pave and keep in
repair, grade and re grade the streets, lanes and
alleys, and to widen the same with the consent of a
majority of those interested; to prevent obstructions
of any kind being placed in Carroll creek, within
the corporate limits, to prevent horses, wheelbar-
rows and other vehicles from passing on or over the
footwalks or pavements within the taxable limits;
to prevent the quarrying of stone therein, unless
upon application to the mayor, who may impose
such restrictions as shall be necessary for the pub-
lic safety; to prevent trespasses upon lots, premises
and enclosures within the taxable limits, and to
punish by fine any person or persons for injury
done to fencing, or for taking growing corn, fruit,
vegetables or produce of any kind whatever; to
protect and secure the safety and efficiency of the
city constables by the passage of ordinances impos-
ing fines on any person or persons who shall resist
or interfere with said constables while in the proper
discharge of their duty, or who shall refuse to aid
and assist said constables in the discharge of their
duty when properly summoned to do so, may tax
any particular part or district of the city for pav-
ing the streets, lanes and alleys therein,. which may
appear for the particular benefit of such part or
district, and may make a new assessment of all real
and personal property therein as often as it may be
Acts confirmed
deemed necessary. All acts done in pursuance of
certain ordinances heretofore passed by the alder-
men and common council of Frederick, for the pre-
servation of the peace, order and quiet of said town,
and all fines imposed and collected, and alterations
or changes made in the streets, lanes or alleys of
Frederick, by virtue of said ordinances, are hereby
confirmed and made valid.
In force from January 11, 1864.