of any such bond, writing obligatory or contract
shall be received as evidence of such bond, writing
obligatory or contract, as fully as a like copy of the
record of any such deed duly executed, acknow-
ledged and recorded in the manner aforesaid, would
be evidence of such deed.
In force from March 8,1865.
Non.—1866, c 47 is identical with 1831, c. 205, s 3. In U S Ins Co T. Shriver et al, 3 Md
Ch Dec , 381, it is held that the latter act does not touch conveyances of the title, either legal
or equitable, but simply authorizes registration of contracts to convey.
1884, c. 252 adds the following sections to this article to follow section 71:
72. When in a deed conveying real estate, the
words "the said • ———— covenants" are used, such
words shall have the same effect as if it was expressed
to be by the covenantor for himself, his heirs, devisees
and personal representatives, and shall be deemed to
be with the grantee in the deed, his heirs, devisees
and personal representatives and assigns.
1804, c 262. s. 1,
73. A covenant by the grantor in a deed convey-
ing real estate, " that he will warrant generally the
property hereby conveyed," shall have the same
effect as if the grantor had covenanted, that he, his
heirs, devisees, and personal representatives will for-
ever warrant the said property unto the grantee, his
heirs, devisees and assigns against the claims and
demands of all persons whomsoever.
74. A covenant by a grantor in a deed conveying
Ibid 8.2
General war-
real estate, " that he will warrant specially the prop-
erty hereby conveyed," shall have the same effect as
if the grantor had covenanted that he, his heirs, devi-
sees and personal representatives will forever war-
rant and defend the said property unto the grantee,
bis heirs', devisees and personal representatives and
assigns, against the claims and demands of the
grantor and all persons claiming or to claim by,
through or under him.
Ibid c 3.
Special war-
75. A covenant by the grantor in a deed for land,
"' that he is seized of the land, hereby conveyed," shall
Ibid. s. 4.